05: Call Me a Mind Reader

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💐 Rose Hart – Feb. 14, 2015

     Sam told Theo to close up, mumbling something about his wife being upset that he didn’t get the day off and how he has to surprise her with flowers to make her shut up – such a nice man he is, so it was really I who would close up. Every time, which wasn’t regular, Theo was assigned to close up he would toss me the keys and throw a peace sign over his shoulder.

      Which is exactly what he did, only this time, he called, “Don’t have sex on the table!” Which turned me into a blushing mess as a chuckle escaped Louis’ lips.

     “That would make me forget about Sarah,” Louis murmurs to me but I roll my eyes and throw the dish rag at him, telling him that if he’s staying, he’ll have to clean. It had been discussed, before Sam had left, that we should talk over a glass of wine, him telling me about Sarah the Slut girl and me telling him about my nonexistent love life.

     When I went into the kitchen, I noticed that the other workers had left as well. Rolling my eyes, I bring out the mop and bucket and begin mopping the floors, feeling the weight of Louis’ eyes watching my every move.

     “Thank you, Rose,” Louis says into the quiet atmosphere. I look up from the floor to give him a smile. “Honestly, any other employee would’ve laughed at me, the poor guy who got stood up on Valentine ’s Day, but you didn’t and I really appreciate that.”

     “Hey, I was having a bad day and it looked like you were too, so…” I trail off only to dip the mop into the bucket before returning back to mopping. “I thought I could improve one of our days.”

     “Was it that obvious that I was having a bad day?”

     “No. I’m just a mind reader.” I look up to him in all seriousness. Noticing his raised eyebrows, I shake my head. “No, yeah, it was kind of obvious.”

     He lightly wiped his table before looking to me again. “Why were you having a bad day?”

     “I wasn’t supposed to work today,” I tell him before frowning. “Admitting it out loud makes me sound like a whiny b*tch.” Louis snorts. “Sam, my manager, had made me work on my birthday and in all fairness, I believed that I should have this day off but he didn’t let me and I was upset.”

     I placed the mop back into the bucket before looking up at him. He was fiddling with the dish rag, lips pursed making me take notice of his stubble. “Wanted to spend the day with your uh, boyfriend?”

     My snort made him look up. “The reason I didn’t have the day off is because I’m single.”

     “That’s f*cked up.” I instantly agree with the nod of my head.

     The next five minutes are in silence, a comfortable silence, as he finishes up wiping the tables and I finish mopping the floors. When those two deeds are done, I walk into the back, take out two wine glasses and my favorite red wine before taking a seat at table seven where Louis already sat.

     “So, tell me the story of Sarah the Slut,” I say as I pour the wine into his glass. He narrows his eyes at me. “Come on, Louis. She cheated on you and didn’t even show up for this date, let me say names.”

     “Fine,” he grumbles before meeting my eyes. Any sign of crying had been cleared, showing me the pure azure color of his eyes – they were so beautiful that I couldn’t look away. “I had met her three months ago…”


💘 💘 💘

(A/N): I really loved this chapter, btw. I think it’s so simple yet cute. Louis seemed a little jealous when he mentioned ‘boyfriend’. I love them so much, oh my gosh. Just saying, only nine chapters left! What do you think will happen with Lose… Rouis… these ship names suck, holy crap. Any ideas?

Bye, bye x

P.S. that gif is so cute omg

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