11: Call Me an Emotional Eater

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💐 Rose Hart – Feb. 16, 2015

     Harry had tried to assure me that Louis would swing by the restaurant later. He didn’t. I stayed past closing time, helping Theo clean up, always looking at the door in hopes that he’d walk through them. He didn’t. Theo had promised me a cheer-up dinner today since I don’t have work. We’d have out completely platonic Chipotle date and hopefully, I feel better – food tends to make me feel better.

      “You seriously make it seem like you really like this guy,” my cousin Joe observes as he takes a seat beside me on the sofa. He would be staying in my apartment with me until the exterminators get rid of all the pesky bugs and rodents that she has a terrible fear of. It was nice, for a change, to have someone living with me in this lonely apartment.

     “I don’t even know,” I sigh as I spoon more ice cream into my mouth. It may be a cold February day but that doesn’t mean that I couldn’t enjoy some good dairy – especially if it comes in the form of cookies ‘n’ cream ice cream.

     “You know, you could’ve been the one to ask for his number. Aren’t you always gabbing off about equal rights?” He questions a tone that he knows I hate, it’s the one you’d hear an adult use on a child to guilt trip them into admitting their mistake.

     I glare harder at the television screen where Spongebob is playing, and ignore him.

     “You can’t blame the guy, either, he was just stood up,” he says a-matter-of-factly before ripping the spoon out of grasp to eat the scoop of ice cream I just dug out, my eyes switch to him in a glare. “And from what you told me, he seemed to love her. He can’t just jump the gun and start seeing you.”

     “All I wanted was more than a nod!” I shout at him. “Why does everyone think that I wanted something more?”

     “It’s in the way you tell the story.” He shrugs and we’re in a moment of silence before he changes the topic. “Blake used to be my coworker, she tried to convince me that she didn’t have a think for the guy that played Santa and yet, they’re a couple right now.”

     “Wow. How inspiring.” I deadpan before stealing my spoon back and going back to eating my ice cream.

     “All I’m saying is that next time, you should have the balls to do something about it. Don’t let someone you we’re interested ‘on a friend level’ – as you say – get away.” Sometimes I think he’s a fortune cookie, not because of his advice but because of how he thinks he’s right.

     It’s not that simple. In order to not let someone get away, they have to be willing to stay and all my life, I’ve never known anyone to stay. My Mom and had left my Dad when I was three, and by the time I turned ten he couldn’t handle me and sent me off to my grandparents who soon passed landing me in foster care. I jumped family to family until I turned eighteen, moved to New York with the money I saved and made a living here with no family around me besides Joe and Theo’s friendship.

     There was a knock on the door before it flew open.

     “Come on, Rosie!”


💘  💘  💘

(A/N): AYE, LOOK IT’S JOE FROM THE NOT-SO LOVELY TALE OF SANTA AND THE ELF! I TOLD YOU THAT THESE STORIES WILL LINK UP! Sadly, I don’t think Fae will be involved any more than her time in TNSLTOSATE :c BUT, it’s okay bc Joe is here and is Rose’s cousin!

Only three chapters left!


P.S. gif of Joe o.o

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