Your Turn

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The purple man came closer and closer to Garrett. Garrett found away to lift his legs and kick as defense. Garrett successfully kicked the purple man several times but it was nothing that would save his life.
"Your a feisty one aren't you?" Said the man, "Well, I know the perfect suit for you!"

The man got closer, and bent down, picking Garrett up, making him squeal with pain. The man pinned him against the wall, putting the knife promptly at his neck. "No, please, not there. Anywhere else." Garrett begged.
"Anywhere? Well, okay." The man said, dropping the limp Garrett to the ground and yanking his arm up and pinning his left against the wall. Garrett thought to himself, 'Well, shit! This gonna hurt. The knife's been used multiple times on four other kids! It's dull now.'
And very slowly, the man cut off Garrett's left hand. It was only fitting if he wanted to fit inside Foxy's suite! You know, the hook!

Blood spread quickly on the floor. And Garrett's hand laid dead on the ground. "Okay, now, let's finish the job." The purple man said. Slowly stabbing Garrett with the dull knife 87 times in the chest.

Now each of these five children, were gone. All gone. Right?

The Five Missing ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now