The Posters

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Mason The Security Guard's POV:
It was almost opening time. I walked around checking to see if everything was right.
"Mason?" I heard my boss yell from his office.
I quickly walked into the office where I saw my boss with a cardboard box in his hands.
"What's up?" I asked.
"We got this package. Apparently a few kids disappeared out of the blue yesterday. The cops said that the last place the kids were seen was real close to the pizzeria. He said since a lot of people come here everyday, there might be a better chance of someone recognizing the kids. So he gave us these missing posters." Boss said very frankly.
"How many is a few?" I asked.
"Really? Wow, what a shame!" I said.
"Can you take care of the posters for me?" Boss asked.
"Yeah, sure." I replied, taking the box.

The rest of the morning I hung posters all over the place. I also got some pamphlets for the missing kids. At one point I ran out of tacks, so I went to the supply room in the back. As I reached the door, I noticed a big glob of red on the door knob. I assumed it was pizza sauce. I cleaned the knob off and went inside. There was more red coating the floor. Dark, thick, and wet. I bent down and drew my finger on the floor. Then I smelt it. I gasped.
"This isn't pizza sauce." I muttered to myself. No, not pizza sauce. It was blood. It was human blood. All of a sudden, a sharp, excruciating pain plunged into my back, and shot up and down my body. Something pulled itself out of my back, and something warm and wet dripped down my back. I turned around to see a man, he seemed, purple. He had a knife, and I realized what just happened.
The man laughed, "Oh, your so smart! It is blood! Good job sweetie!" The purple man snickered.
And I fell to my knees, and to my stomach. That was the end.


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