The Imposter Who Took Our Life Way Part 3

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Warning! If you are easily offended by 'certain language' save your sanity and skip this chapter! But if your like me and you lost you sanity long, long ago, feel free to read on!

Next moment the man held a knife and plunged it into Lucy's chest. Garrett immediately ran to her side, holding her bloody hand.
"Lucy? Lucy, are you okay? Lucy, please don't go!" And Garrett watched as one of his best friends slowly faded away. Garrett began crying but he wiped his eyes, looked at the ground and slowly came to his feet.
"What in the hell makes you think you can do this?" Garrett spoke quietly, "How are you going to live with yourself knowing you did this to an innocent child? Huh? Think your, better than everyone else? Is that it? Well you know what? YOU NEED HELP YOU BASTARD!!!" Garrett screamed louder than anyone knew he was capable of.

Garret ran at the man, pouncing on him like a wild animal and pulling of the Goldie mask. The man kicked Garrett of of him, making him hit against a wall. The man walked past Garrett and straight to the kids in the corner who were hugging, crying and scared for their lives. The man pulled out the knife.
"NO!" Screamed Garrett, getting up and jumping on the man again. This time, Garrett punched him right in the face. Hard. Really hard.

Now the man kicked him even harder across the room, and as much as Garrett wanted to get up to save his friends, he couldn't poor Garrett had broken his spine and was now paralyzed. Garrett cried as he watched the man stab each kid multiple times, with a smile on his face. Garrett saw each and every drop of blood come from his friends and heard each cry of pain and fear from them. The man was finally done and he got up and spoke two simple words to Garrett, "Your turn."

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