Chapter 24: The Response

Start from the beginning

He blushed when your fingertips trailed along his cheekbones, his eyes shifting to avoid your gaze of admiration. 

"Well, I'm just happy you had a nice time. I'm more looking forward to spending Christmas with you." He admitted, remembering what you had agreed on. 

"Oh, yeah! When are we leaving?" You questioned, giddy with excitement.

Severus shrugged.

"As soon as classes are over today, I suppose. But whenever you're ready is fine. I assume you'll need to pack?" He acquired.

"Yeah. I'll add it to my to-do list," You snickered, "I'll be sure to pack lots of warm clothes. If your house is anything like this room, I'll surely need them."

Severus emitted a chuckle, resting his hand on your thigh that was barely peeking out from under the sheets.

"Do I not keep you warm?" He questioned, "I've never heard you complain."

You crawled over to lie on top of him, letting your hands splay across his chest. You could feel the warmth from underneath his long-sleeved shirt, his muscles feeling firm underneath your hands.

"There's not much to complain about when it comes to you...except your snoring." You sneered.

His jaw dropped in offense, propping himself up on his elbows.

"I do NOT snore." He gruffed.

"Then I suppose the Hogwarts train has been running at night then?" You poked, seeing his eyes narrow at you.

"At least I don't kick in my sleep." He returned, seeing your smirk turn into a frown.

"I don't kick!" You shrilled, "I've never kicked you."

"The ache in my leg begs to differ." Severus lied.

"Whatever. I'm a great bed gal." You grinned, rolling off of him and back to your side of the bed.

Severus chuckled again, allowing a short silence to ensue. He thought about the night before and how it had been the most alive he had felt in a long time. He couldn't seem to understand how you were the person he was finding his new happiness with. He also wasn't very keen on letting you go.

"Did you hear what I said last night, my love?" He wondered.

You raised a brow, not sure what he was referring to since you had fallen asleep before he told you that he loved you.

"Uh, which part?" You asked, fiddling with one of his hands.

Severus took that to mean that you hadn't, and there was something telling him that he needed to tell you again before he lost his nerve. He had built up a super confidence with you that he was still trying to figure out.

"[Y/N], I lov-"

He was cut off by the deafening sound of his alarm clock on his bedside table, alerting you both that it was really time to get up and moving. You leapt out of bed, not seeing that what he was trying to tell you was important.

"Our fifteen minutes is up, Sevy. Come on," You urged, pulling him to sit up completely, "The sooner we get moving, the faster the day will go by."

Severus made a face, temporarily putting his previous statement aside for later.

"I don't think that's how it works, love." He grumbled, swinging his feet over the side of the bed.

He stood up from the mattress, some of his joints cracking as he did so. He slipped his shirt off of his head, muttering a quick Disillusionment Charm to hide his Dark Mark. He extended his arms over his head, stretching his muscles to work out the stiffness from being bundled up all night. You watched him as he did so, your mouth practically watering at the way his back muscles flexed and contracted. His head lolled back, his neck rolling from side to side to wake himself up. 

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