Chapter 24: The Response

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"Whatever. I'm a great bed gal." 


You awoke early the next morning, the sun just barely beginning to peek over the horizon when your eyelids peeled open. Severus' arms were draped over you, keeping you warm from the chilly air of his room. The fog in your head had cleared overnight, and you were feeling more like yourself. It was the last day of classes before Christmas break, and you needed to hightail it to your own quarters to get ready for the day. That was, if you could break away from Severus.

Severus had you tucked snugly into his side, which made stirring around nearly impossible. You twisted your core to attempt to turn over, which only disturbed his slumber and got you tangled in the sheets. Severus' hold on you only tightened, further cementing you to where you were laying. 

You made another try, this time trying to shimmy and slink out from under him. Once more, it was unsuccessful and it finally brought him out of his peaceful snooze.

"What are you doing?" Severus hissed, his voice thick with sleep when he saw you scrambling around, "It's too early."

"No, it's not. I need to get ready," You argued, "We have class in two hours!" 

Severus' eyes closed again, a groggy chuckle rumbling from his diaphragm when you failed to get out from his grasp.

"I assure you that you can spare another fifteen minutes." Severus remarked, trapping you from getting out of bed.

"I'll have you know that my morning routine is different than yours," You huffed, "I need to shower and get dressed and-"

"You can do all of those things here." He interrupted.

"I don't have any clothes here! Sev, I'm serious. I've got to get up." You insisted, managing to forcefully squirm away from him. 

Just about as fast as your feet hit the floor, you were yanked backwards and wrapped up completely in his arms and the sheets. He began peppering you with an attack of kisses, drawing squeals and giggles out of you until you were breathless.

"You're not going anywhere, angel. Not until I get my morning snuggles." He laughed, continuing to tickle at your sides.

"You got your morning snuggles!" You squealed with another round of laughter, "You get morning snuggles every day!"

"And why should today be any different?" He posed, kissing a quick trail down your neck.

"Because we have to go to work!" You shrieked, feeling a rush of blood go to your face from all the laughing.

Severus stopped when your laughs were sounding more like gasps, letting you catch your breath before you were struggling for air. Your giggles died down shortly after, and both of you were feeling much more awake than before. Severus brushed some stray hair from your face, kissing your hand and caressing the soft skin there.

"Can't you stay just a few more minutes? Please?" Severus pleaded, hoping you'd stick around just a little longer. 

His eyes softened the way they did when he really wanted something, and they were impossibly hard to say no to. 

"Okay, Sev. Just a few minutes." You granted, cuddling up to him again.

He smiled triumphantly, continuing to litter you with kisses and return them when you kissed him. His hands were oddly warm on your body, considering they were usually freakishly cold.

"I had a really wonderful time last night." Severus announced after a few moments.

"Me too. I'm glad I got to share London with you," You smiled, "So handsome."

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