Easy? -Chapter 5-

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Okay so even me as the writer is getting addicted to this plot line :p 

I know it will take time but I really have high hopes for this story but I need you guys to help me. Spread the word, comment, vote, anything really. I’ve taken quite a lot of time to figure out this plot line and I’m proud of it, it’s not your average story so   I think that would make it a better read fort you guys. Anyway go ahead and read :)

Talk later down below.

Harry’s P.O.V

“Harry, Harry! What happened in there?!”

“Feeling guilty for Taylor yet? Or... is she another one of your girls that you can just toss to the curb?”

“Better yet, how does Taylor feel about that kiss?”

That’s all I got. Question, after question, after question. The sad thing was, I couldn’t even answer anyone of them and their questions. I simply had no answer. I mean, I don’t know how we ended up kissing, I don’t know how to feel about the whole thing and better yet I don’t know how Taylor feels and quite frankly I don’t want to know. 

So all I do is keep my head down and push through the crowd. 

“Move, move! Can everyone please make way!” Paul yells. Trying to pull us towards the two bulky security men that seemed to be managing tonights after party. Got to give credit to Paul though, he always did know how to move a crowd in order for us to get somewhere on time. Getting out of the club was our own problem though. 

“Come on Harry.” Niall whines, slinging his arm over my shoulder as we make our way through security and into the club with absolutely no problem what so ever. 

“You’d think the Harry Styles would be stoked to be at the Victoria’s Secret After Party” He continues. Settling down at a table with the rest of the lads, making sure we were somewhat further at the back of the club so we didn’t have to forcibly mingle with arrogant rich people.

“I’ve got to agree with the Irishman.” Louis chimes in. Raising his eyebrows at me as though he were a disapproving parent even though he could no what could resemble one.

“Give it a rest would you?” I snap back as I lower my head into my waiting palms. 

“Maybe at least act like you want to be here then.” Zayn bites in, looking up from his phone most likely filled with texts from Perrie.  

“Actually. I have a way to pass the time. Why don’t you explain what actually happened. Maybe it’s just me cause I was at the end of the line but I don’t get how your mouth ended up on hers...” Liam comments. Trust him to be the one who ‘gets to the bottom’ of any problem.  

“I don’t know what happened! One moment she’s thanking all of us for being here tonight and performing, next thing she’s looking up at me, her arms wrapped around me kissing me.” I hastily reply.

“Yeah well if it was just a kiss or a quick peck it wouldn’t have been that bad but you guys didn’t stop kissing! I thought one of you would eventually pass out. Felt like I walked in on you guys about to have sex or something.” Niall buts in. Shivering at the last part.

“Yeah. Like ex couple reunited.” Zayn continues.

“Shut up!” I yell. Banging my head on the table as I cover my face and head with my arms. 

I know Zayn doesn’t know our history or anything but the fact that he’s 100% right on the whole ex couple reunited thing without even knowing gets to me. I mean, I don’t want or need the guys to know everything about me. To me some things should just remain a secret. What happened between Liv and I is something I’m not proud of, therefore I don’t need the lads as well as the media and the whole world knowing about it. Simple as that.

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