It was almost too graphic and intimate to say but I felt safe and open around Adam. We literally had no secrets and I knew I had to tell him this. "He had pushed me on the bed and removed my pants. I tried as hard as I could to push him away but he was much stronger this time. He kept saying how he couldn't wait to feel me from the inside and before I knew it he basically shoved his whole hand in my vagina. Really aggressively and I almost passed out from the pain. I tried even harder to push him away but he just kept pushing deeper and harder. I couldn't breathe and I was in so much pain. That's when you came in and it finally stopped. But I've been in pain since then and have bled some. Mostly right after. I guess everything else that happened made me push it even further to the back of my mind."

I saw a tear fall from his eye as I was ugly crying telling him what happened. He pulled me into his embrace and we both cried. For what felt like forever. Then he just held me and we didn't say anything for a while. "You know, you keep talking about all I've been through but Grace this has all happened to you. I've just been in the mix because I love you so much. I would never think of leaving you. And what happened to you was very traumatic and it's ok if you take time to heal. I don't expect you to be superwoman. I try to be so positive because I don't want to scare you, I try to be strong for the both of us. But if I'm being honest, I'm scared too. Mostly from seeing you in those situations. Seeing Jake's disgusting hands all over you makes me sick to my stomach. There's times I look over my shoulder too but it's mostly out of protection over you. I never want to see that happen to you again and that's why we need to move as soon as possible."

He held me for a few more minutes and I swear I never felt as safe as I did when I was in his arms. The next day I tried my best to pack all of our stuff in the U-Haul so we could be ready to go as soon as possible. I even enlisted my dads help. He brought Colleen with him and it was a bit awkward at first. She was super nice and helpful I just couldn't stop thinking about my mom. I was happy my dad finally found someone he loves and makes him smile. We decided to break for lunch and we all went to a spot around the corner from our apartment. I helped Adam waddle over to the chair and we sat down. 

Awkward silence fell around us and Adam saved the day. "So Colleen, what do you like to do for fun?" She smiled and wiped her mouth. "Oh gosh, usually just crochet and read. I'm pretty old school." My dad smiled and rubbed her arm. It was so strange to see him intimate with someone else. I knew I had to stop comparing her to my mother but come on, I hadn't seen my dad with anyone else but her in so long. Adam nudged my arm. I guess my awkward silence was being noticed by everyone at that point. "Right, uh Colleen do you have any children?" She looked down at her food and my dad struck a look at me. Geez, what did I say?

"Actually I did. I had a son Forrest. He would be about your age now. Him and his dad, my husband. They died in a car wreck about 10 years ago. Drunk driver struck them on a bridge and they went over. It can still be hard to talk about but I've done some non profits over the years about drunk driving and such things like that. Somehow it kept me closer to them, you know?" Wow, what a jerk I was. Even if I didn't know those details I still felt like a jerk for bringing it up. "Oh gosh Colleen I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring anything up." She waved her napkin at me and smiled. "You are absolutely fine dear. We're just getting to know each other right? I'm sure this is incredibly hard for you to see your father with another woman but I promise to you I love this man. I will protect his heart at all costs. And I'd love to get to know you better as well Grace." 

I returned the smile and pushed a hair behind my ear. She seemed very sweet I just somehow felt like I'd be betraying my mother if I let this woman take me under her wing. I knew my dad could tell what I was thinking because he was staring straight into my soul with an "I feel empathy for you" look. I smiled at him and returned my attention back to my food. Adam and my dad talked about building things and whatever else they had in common. I smiled between them and Colleen chimed in a few times. I could tell she wanted to talk to me so bad and get to know me more but I guess my body language was shut off. The check finally came and it was time to go. My dad and Adam fought over who would cover everything and Adam finally won. He was such a smooth talker. 

"Well I'm glad we could do this. It was so nice to finally sit down with you Colleen. I can tell you make my dad happy and that makes me happy. Maybe soon we can get together and learn more about each other." I smiled and before I knew it she was hugging me. "Oh Grace, I would love nothing more than that." I hugged my dad goodbye and thanked them for helping me load boxes. I was silent in the car and Adam let me be. I had so much on my mind. There was a lot more I wanted to know about Colleen but I wasn't sure if I was ready to know those things yet. Because then I would be opening myself up to a relationship with her. I could definitely tell she made my dad happy and I guess that's all that mattered. 

Back at our apartment I helped Adam on to the couch and sat next to him. I started to turn on the TV and he grabbed my hand. "You did great back there. I know how hard it is for you to see your dad with someone else but he seems really happy. What do you think?" I smiled and rubbed his perfect face. "Well for one I think that you are the most amazing boyfriend on the face of the earth. You are always thinking about me and my feelings and I appreciate that more than you know. And two I agree. I'm glad my dad is happy and Colleen seems really sweet. It is weird for me to see him with someone else and I also feel like I would be betraying my mother if I had a relationship with this woman. Which I know is absurd and my mom would want nothing more than for my dad to be happy again. I just need some time." 

We ended the night falling asleep on the couch binge watching The New Girl. A personal favorite of mine Adam had never seen before. He was against it at first but two seasons in and he was hooked. When I woke up to my alarm I had the worst kink in my neck. Adam was somehow positioned under my body and half way off the couch as well. I tiptoed to the bathroom and got in the shower. Hoping the hot water would help my neck. I heard a crash in the living room and ran out so fast I forgot my towel and almost slipped to my death on water. I saw Adam in the floor struggling to get up. "Let me help you. What happened?" He grunted and sat back up on the couch. "I just woke up a little off balance and slipped. No biggie." He looked me up and down and smiled. 

Yeah, still naked here. "Are you trying to do something with that naked body? Or just stand there and tease me?" He wiggled his eyebrows and raked his eyes up and down me. Pressure started to build in my lady region and I blushed. Wait, why did I blush? We've had sex at least a dozen times or more now but he still gave me butterflies. "I'm soaking wet. I should probably finish my shower and then we can talk more about this nakedness when I'm done." I smiled and went to kiss him but before I knew it he had me straddling him. "I like you best soaking wet." We both laughed and he ripped his shirt off. I'll let your imagination run wild on what happened next. 

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