That Circus Show

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Ladies and Gentlemen, members of all ages, gather around and witness the wonders of forbidden magic.

As we speak, the volunteer from the audience is being locked within the crystal dome for your viewing pleasure.

Now, you may wonder why he's being sealed off, but trust me, its for everyone else's safety.

This type of magic must be contained, or else it'll get out of hand and warp the very fabric of reality as we speak.

Now, I'm not that powerful of a sorcerer, but for the sanity of the audience he must be detained while I cast this particular spell.

What spell? You might be wondering. 

That's where the Hundred Word Curse comes into play. 

Ladies and gentlemen in a matter of minutes, this poor soul will be subjected to live through exactly 100 lives before the night dies.

How is this possible? you might ask. Well, this curse shortens the victims' lives to the simple span of 100 words, switching to the next life once the volunteer uses up his words.

The spell will dissolve after the 100 lives have been lived out and the participant will have no recollection of what has transpired.

There's where you come in. See, this is no ordinary hypnosis act.

 The participant will be confused and slightly impressionable so I trust that you guys ,after viewing the various lives that he flashed through, (thanks to the crystal dome which will project the false reality within to you onlooking outsiders), will explain to this poor man what took place.

I would hate it if no-one was there to guide this weakened soul after such emotional torture...but I digress. As long as there's someone left in the crowd to explain it all to him, he should be fine.

So...without further ado

Welcome to the circus ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to the hundred word horror show.

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