24.It's Rose

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I was very sad and depressed after that incident,

And now prerna took charge of my body,so my expression din't show much to the other works about my inner thoughts...

Manik had asked zenith times,was I fine

But as prerna residing in my body,she just expressed him a happy Nandini

Though he doubted first,but later he took it normal...

It was week to that incident...

Ayesha mom had died and Alya was in jail...

Everything was running smoothly and me/prerna again resumed the shooting....

Manik used take much care for me....

Today Rose Was in a bad mood maybe she didn't give her best,she had given many takes..

She told,she was  not feeling well,she will take rest....

It didn't look like what she said,she looked like something was disturbing her....

I wanted to take this chance to investigate her....

I followed her...

Rose: Why the hell are you not obeying,you know this will not be good for you...

Your reputation is already down and if you don't want to die then obey us...

Or else you know what happened to prerna....

You could be next.....

So next time,think before you do anything....

Otherwise the some projects you have will also be not there....
Ms.Riya Mehta....

And don't come to meet me here,there are many people here,and if they found any connection with us....

You know what we can do.....

Prerna(pov):Riya Mehta ,she was also in the party,and she was a good friend of mine...
How is she related to my death..

Why is it getting more confusing..

I don't have much time ...It's only 3 days left....

I should know what's the connection between them..And Riya was a very good actress...

But now suddenly she is not seen in any big project ,all she does are some small advertisement and some regular shows...

I have to investigate more....

All these was seen by manik....he followed Nandini...

Manik(pov): What's disturbing her,I have seen from the start ,how eagerly she wanted to this flim...

And behind me,she is investigating prerna's case...
But why she wants to investigate her case...

Did she know prerna earlier...but I din't see them any close...
And I don't think they had any connection before...

Something is surely there...

And whom is Rose talking to...,she looks someone known but I can see her face properly...

And why is she stalking Rose...

Something is going wrong and I don't know that...

If I din't know Mr.dutta personally, I wouldn't have known about it...

And now even I want to know what actually happened that day,was prerna was killed or she  did suicide...

And untill I know she is not that type of women...

It's better I must ask mr.dutta to investigate more about prerna background,did she had any enemies...

Rose and Riya sits in car and drive away..

Nandini follows her too..

Manik(pov):Now why is Nandini following her...she still have not recovered from that day fully..

What if she gets hurt...

I must follow them...


The first car was Rose's and Nandini had a cab
And manik was in his own car...

And the screen freezes....


I know it's long ,I haven't updated..

So now I'm thinking of updating earlier...

I was about to give a part 2 of this book..

But I know no one is interested and even I have lost that too...

So I will give an end to it soon...

I hope you enjoy untill then..

Happy reading guys...

I hope I get the same response like before..

Till then bye,
ZingYau ❤️.

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