Chapter 1

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Darius sighed as he looked at his family crest, it had a knight with a sword in its hands with a Ceratosaurus on the top right, a Sinoceratops on the bottom right, an Ankylosaurus on the bottom left, and a Carnotaurus on the top left. Not that Darius hated his family crest or anything it just felt outdated compared to his friend Kenji's which was a circle with a dollar sign in it with two Stegosaurus on either side. He sighed to himself and he turned to walk away, Darius was a pack leader. A young one in fact, however unlike others he had older members to help him. Kenji was a great leader sometimes while Yasmina would try to keep him focused on keeping the outsiders from getting into the city. While walking Darius remembered what Yaz had said about outsiders Outsiders were people from other cities that came to Cretaceous city to harass and do unquestionable things to betas and omegas. However packs like Darius' kept the peace however there has been a string of murders recently, the bodies were mutilated by something ancient and prehistoric. "Morning Bran." Darius said to his older brother who was eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast. "Hey Darius can I talk to you for a moment?" Brandon asked him "Sure what is it?" Darius asked and Brandon took a deep breath "They found something in the caves underground. It's a human skeleton but with a staggering height." Darius looked confused at Brandon "How tall? Like seven feet? Eight feet? Nine feet?" Darius asked him and Brandon said "It's seven and ten inches tall, it's got people worried about the ancient ones." Darius knew what his older brother meant. "Just don't think to hard on it." Brandon said and Darius nodded and grabbed a banana and started to eat it, after finishing it he exited his families house. Darius took a deep breath in and he looked at his reflection in a puddle, his dinosaur traits had yet to appear. Darius then started to head to his packs base, however he felt like he was being followed and he looked over his shoulder to see nothing and he entered the base and he closed the door behind him.

"So fearless leader what's on the agenda today?" Ben asked from behind him and Darius jumped into the air in surprise "Ben don't do that." Darius said to his friend and the fourteen year old boy just chuckled softly as he turned the lights on. Kenji was rudely awaken from his sleep on the couch and the teenager shot Ben a quick glare but yawned after Darius looked over at him. Ben's dinosaur traits were Ankylosaurus mainly the armour and scales while Kenji's were that of a Ceratosaurus mainly the three horns and scales. "Hey where's Yasmina and Sammy?" Darius finally asked the two boys and they shrugged but then Yasmina said as she walked in the door from another door followed by Sammy "Looking for us?" Darius then noticed Yasmina's dinosaur traits finally, her mouth had some sharp teeth common in baryonyx and her feet resembled that of a Baryonyx's along with some scales "Question how do you even fit your feet into shoes?" Kenji asked her and Yasmina just said in her usual tone of voice "There's something called being able to hide your traits dingus." Kenji just sighed and shook his head. "So Darius have your traits shown up yet?" Yasmina asked the shorter teen and she ruffled his hair with her hand "Not yet, for some reason they just won't appear." Darius said and sighed "They probably won't even appear." Kenji and Yasmina couldn't help but feel bad for him while Ben and Sammy just looked at each other. Sammy's traits were the most prominent of the pack, she had the frill and horn of a Sinoceratops along with some scales "We should get onto the schedule." Ben said to Darius and he nodded "Alright, I was thinking for today we should be cleaning up that." Darius said and he gestured to the fallen over crates and empty water containers "How did it even get like that?" Ben
asked looking at the mess of crates and water containers. "Well ya'll let's get started." Sammy said in a cheerful tone of voice and they immediately got to work, Darius tried to lift a large crate up and he strained a bit as he tried to lift it and Ben helped him lift it up onto what was left of the storage pile. Darius couldn't help but feel like he was slowing the others down without his traits however Darius didn't pay attention to where he was walking and he slipped in a puddle of water and fell to the hard stone floor, however the impact was softened by something and he got up and noticed something on connecting to him, it was a tail and he looked at it hard and long and realized it belonged to that of a Carnotaurus, he also realized he had its horns as well along with its feet. "Woah. Dude your traits." Kenji said looking at Darius and the teenager looked in the water and noticed that he had more traits then anyone else in his pack which meant something was up.

"You have a Carnotaurus' horns, tail, feet, and scales Darius." Yasmina said looking at Darius and his traits disappeared from his body slowly.

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