Xiao: Salty yet sweet Pt.2

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*4 days later*

A few days left before Spring break, the flower blossoming festival was on the head as well. My favorite time of the year, it was Qiqi's first time as well, her mother never got the chance to enlighten Qiqi with such an experience before so I insisted that i'd take her along with me. My short visits to the bakery quickly became less mundane and more, mildly amusing to say the least.

"What are your plans this spring break, Grumpy?"

"Xiao. My name is Xiao." He replied curtly

"Right, Xiao." I mocked him "You're going to attend the festival?"

"No, I can't. I have to work overtime that day."

I wrinkled my brow.

"A festival means more customers, Not to mention I arrived an hour late a few days ago, I agreed to work overtime In exchange for a slightly larger payment in return, It's only fair."


He shrugged it off and quietly went on with his work, before averting his gaze straight at me. My eyes darted around the room, Quite intimidated by his gaze "and you?" He finally asked after a few moments of just staring, apparently I didn't get the hint.

"Me? Well, i decided to go to the festival with a friend of mine."

"I see."

"It's going to be the first time she'll see the flowers blossoming and enjoy this festive experience. I really want her to have fun that day." As I spoke, his attention was completely in diverted. Listening to me as I spoke happily about Qiqi, he had a soft expression on his face.

"Her first time? Is she new to town?" He questioned

"No, she's a kid I babysit."

"I see, Well enjoy I guess."

I nodded in agreement, As usual I took my order from the counter and headed out the door but before I left I just had to ask

"Hey, Xiao."

He looked at me with a surprised look. "What now?"

"Will the bakery open early during the festival?"

"Uh, yes. Why?" He furrowed his brow at my question

"And you'll be working that time?"

"Yes I just told you I have to work overtime but what's it to you?" He asked again, I dismissed his question

I shook my head as my mouth curled up into a bright smile. "Oh, Nothing just curious."

I quickly ran out the door feeling sort of..excited ? Huh..strange. Was it because spring break was coming up along with my favorite festival of all time or was it the fact that I'd see him again that day?

Xiao's P.o.v

"She's so Strange, but amusing." He thought as he poured himself a cup of coffee leaning against the marble counter, awaiting other customers. He sighed as he thought about the festival unfortunately he could not attend due to his poor punctuality.


(Y/N) p.o.v

*a week later*

Spring break was here, nothing gets a student more relaxed or upbeat than a break from school work or in this case, a break from college exams and assignments. Visiting the bakery became more of a way to hangout with xiao, sometimes I forget the main reason for me being there in the first place.

"So, Spring break and the festival starts tomorrow noon. You must be excited I suppose?"

"Sad you can't go."

"I have no interest in this festival anyway. It's just flowers blooming, it'll be crowded anyway. I dislike that."

"Spoken like a true boring grumpy old man."

"I'm a year older than you, miss."

"Exactly! Old man."

He rolled his eyes, quickly turning around to perhaps hide a slight smirk?

"So what will it be? Your orders have changed a bit. It's not just the usual fruit tart anymore."

"Hm" i brought up my hand to my chin looking up pretending to ponder for an answer, "Surprise me."

He raised a brow and folded his arms "Huh?"

"It's spring break! A festival is tomorrow don't you have something special to increase sales or a limited time dessert?"

"I do, but that's only for tomorrow."

"Aw, bummer." I pouted

He chuckled lightly, "But I did say that you are an exception. And I already am being punished for being late so I suppose Breaking one more rule wouldn't hurt."

"If your boss comes to know that is, don't worry. I promise I won't tell!" I giggled

He flinched slightly seeing my unusual upbeat and lively behavior. "How much coffee did you drink this morning?"

"Proud to say that I didn't have a single drop today."

"That's sad. Coffee is life, you're missing out."

I chuckled "Alright boss, then i'll have One latte."

He shook his head and sighed "Coming right up."

As he prepared the drink i caught him staring at me for only a few seconds before turning away engaging himself in some other activity. I didn't mind it though.

He served the latte in a pastel pink cup this time with gold cherry blossom art painted on the ceramic surface. It was beautiful accompanied by the sweet smell of the latte. Or was it the sweet smell from the freshly baked slice of chiffon cake next to it?

"No way, this looks beautiful!"

"Uh, It's something I came up with for tomorrow, this is a good chance for me to get some intel on how it tastes."

"Oh, sure. I'll be your taste tester." The sponge cake was soft and pink perfectly Captured the color of a cherry blossom.

There was chocolate frosting smothered on top with a dust of macha powder on top accompanied by Small pink cherry blossoms made of frosting on top. It was truly a work of art. It was almost too beautiful to eat, I reckon the chocolate frosting represents the tree branch and the flowers that lay gentle lay on it. Seems Xiao's creative as well, he never fails to surprise me.

"Well you've surprised me sir. It tastes amazing however..."

His relieved state quickly left him as he heard that last word

"Can I get another slice?"

My sentence was preceded by A facepalm, he sighed but seemed relieved and quickly packed another slice for me.

"I scared you huh?"

"No, not really." he huffed, trying to look upset.

After noticing my unconvinced expression he quickly handed the bag to me

"now get out, before I get a headache." He sighed

I laughed, "Thanks for the cake!" I waved goodbye and he nodded.

That day I went home with a slice of his delicious sakura flavored cake, a fruit tart and a latte that i drank on the way back home. 

Tomorrow is a big day 


✧ Lonely Qingxin | 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ✧Where stories live. Discover now