Lance x introverted!reader

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(requested by shadowqueen032 and an anon on tumblr. not sure if same person, but I hope this is alright)

You are an introverted person, and have been for a long time. You aren't shy or anything, you just like to stay indoors more often than not. This is one of the few things that drew Lance to you when you two first met, surprisingly. You didn't mind him staying indoors with you. In fact, you quite enjoyed his company. However, there was one thing you noticed every time he would come by and visit you: he would never get close to you physically. You weren't too bothered by it, but it was something that confused the heck outta you.

"Hey, Lance?" You asked, looking over at the taller male.


"I've noticed that whenever you come over, you don't do the usual friendly things like a hug or a handshake or anything. Not that it bothers me or anything, I'm just curious is all." You could've sworn you saw him flinch a bit at the mention of a hug.

"Ah, that... It's just that I..." He trailed off, glancing away from you,


"...I have haphephobia, the fear of being touched.."

"I...I see, that makes sense. I'm sorry to bring it up."

"It's alright, Y/n, you didn't know." Lance stood up and made his way to the door. "I have to go for now, I'll see you again soon."

"Alright, later." with that said, Lance was gone. You sighed a bit and sat back down on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. You really liked Lance, but not being able to physically be close to him or touch him, like holding hands and stuff, now that was going to be tough for you. That was when it hit you! You could help him with his fear!... or at least try to, anyway. That is what you've decided you will attempt the next time he comes over. Of course, if he lets you, anyway.

Several days have passed since Lance had last visited you. You weren't worried or anything, as you know he's got things of his own to do, which you don't really know what it is, but you just roll with it. You were lying on the couch, playing (video game of choice), as you didn't really have anything better to do... that is, until you heard a knock on the door. You already knew who it was, or at least had an idea, so you stood up and set your controller down before you went to the door. You opened the door and looked up to see Lance.

"Hello, Y/n."

"Hey, Lance." You smiled a bit and moved out of the way to let him inside, closing the door once he was inside. You went over to the couch and went back to playing your game, with Lance sitting beside you, but not enough to be in physical contact with you or anything. He sat and watched you play your game for a while, until you paused it again and looked over at him.

"What is it, Y/n?"

"I...I want to help you... with your fear of touch, I mean."

"You... would want to help me?" You nodded in response.

"If you don't want me to, I'll drop it and won't bring it up again."

"...Very well, I will allow you to help you, but only because I trust you, Y/n."

"You... you trust me?" Lance nodded in response.

"Very well, then. I'll start slow and simple. Hold your hand out, please." Lance seemed a bit confused by this, but shrugged it off and held out his hand. You looked up at him, before you gently took his hand into his own, which caused him to flinch and pull his hand back instinctively.

"Ah.. Sorry.."

"It's alright, Lance. If you're not comfortable with it, I won't do it." Lance seemed a bit hesitant at first, but held his hand out once more. Lance flinched again, but at least he didn't pull his hand away this time. You smiled faintly and gently rubbed the back of his hand with your thumb, occasionally glancing up at him to make sure he was doing alright. Surprisingly, he wasn't backing away from you or anything. In fact, it seems he rather enjoyed it.

"...What?" He asked you, looking down at you and bringing you back from your thoughts.

"Ah, just admiring you is all."

"Is... that so?" You smiled and nodded as you slowly moved your fingers along his arm, so as to not surprise him or anything, and watched his reactions as you did so. Lance sighed a bit in content as your fingers glided up his arm, shivering a bit as well.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine, it just felt... nice." You smiled at his words as you kept this up for a few minutes before you stopped.

"I think that should be enough for now, don't you?" Lance nodded as he placed his arm back at his side.



"What made you want to help me, anyway..?"

"Well, it's just that I... really like you, Lance. Sure you may be intimidating to others, but not to me. I really enjoy your company, even if we... don't really go out too much due to me rather staying inside." You heard Lance chuckle a bit, which you looked up at him.

"I enjoy your company as well, Y/n. I don't mind staying inside with you, in fact, it's much better this way. I guess you could say I... love you?"

"I love you too, you dork." You chuckled a bit and leaned up and kissed his cheek before leaning against the couch. Lance flinched a bit at the sudden contact, but soon relaxed and shook his head, chuckling a bit as he sat a little closer to you than he was earlier.

You grabbed your controller and went back to playing your game with Lance watching you. You both knew this was going to be the start of an interesting relationship.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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