39: The Worst Of The Worst

Start from the beginning

That was when one of the store's employees came up to me.

"Oh? You interested?" he said with a smirk on his face.

'Ok Izuku,' I said internally, 'Keep your act up.'

"Ew no," I said bluntly.

'Dang it.'

Immediately after I said that, the employee looked at me in a shocked expression and then in an angry one. Then, I realized that I what I said sounded somewhat homophobic.

"Ah, sorry," I spoke, "I didn't mean it that way. I just-- um-- not into people that old, you know?"

His expression changed in an instant back into a smile.

"I understand," he nodded, "If you'd like me to guide you to some of our other products that fit your tastes, then just ask."

Shortly after, he left me alone.

I stood in silence for a moment...

Then, I realized something.

'I just called Chizumo old!' I gasped internally, 'Wait, I've already called him old before...'

I let out an audible sigh and started making my way out of the store. As I walked, I passed a lizard-looking man with a hood over his head. He looked around with this look in his eyes. The way his eyes gleamed with a sort of determination reminded me of... the determination that I used to have towards becoming a hero. I lost that, but now, I have another goal.

I then made my way towards where we, the class, had decided to meet back up when we were finished with our shopping. I sat down on a bench and placed my bag of clothes next to me. Next to me, was a girl that seemed to be of similar age to me.

I gave her a side glance. She had long black hair that was tied up as well as gold eyes. She had this aura around her that I couldn't quite pinpoint. She had her own shopping items with her. She also didn't seem to notice me yet.

I just sat there and shut my eyes, snuggling up into my scarf. I could feel looks on me as I sat. I couldn't tell why people were giving me looks, but it was most likely because of my clothes again.

"Hey Shigaraki!" Shinso's voice called out to me.

I opened my eyes and saw him coming up to my position.

"Oh," I said, "Hi Shinso-san."

"Shigaraki, you have to stop resting your eyes in public," Shinso rubbed his forehead, "It's dangerous for someone that..."

In that moment, his face flushed a slight shade of red as he stopped what he was saying.

"What is it?" I asked, actually not understanding why he was acting this way.

Shinso shook his head, "It's nothing... just don't be so vulnerable in public."

"I-I'm fine," I said, "Even if I was approached, I would've been fine."

"Did you bring your capture weapon again or something?" Shinso asked in an exasperated tone.

"N-No, since Aizawa-sensei said that heroes had the right to confiscate certain support items," I told him before whispering the next part, "But, I do have a knife in my shoe."

Shinso just gave me a deadpan look. I let out a small giggle in response.

Sakiri Pov:

'That's Shigaraki Hotaru, right?' I thought.

The boy next to me had gotten up and started talking to whom I assumed to be his friend. He looked like the boy that I had seen a couple weeks ago and his friend called out to him with the name "Shigaraki".

'Could he be related to Scourge, somehow?' I wondered, 'It's really unlikely, though. I can't make a judgement just from surnames.'

I watched as the two talked to each other. Shigaraki Hotaru's voice sounded sort of like Scourge's, but his voice held so much emotion. When I heard Scourge speak, his voice didn't hold much emotion. Even though he was smiling, he spoke in a monotonous tone.

I had previously been getting stuff that Mom wanted me to buy for her. Now, I was just resting my legs before I went home.

As they were talking, I noticed that Shigaraki took a glance at me. His eyes held a sense of familiarity even though we've never met before.

'Unless... no, he can't be...' I told myself.

I hadn't seen Scourge's eyes either, so it made so sense why this person's eyes would see familiar to me. I've seen him before-- yes-- but it just didn't make sense.

'Maybe it's just the feeling that Scourge had around him,' I told myself, 'When I was by him, he had this feeling around him. I got that same feeling now... when I'm right next to Shigaraki Hotaru.'

I panicked internally for a second. Could Scourge really be related to this hero course student? If my theory about Scourge's age was correct, then that would mean that these two would be of a similar age. Maybe they were twins? Or maybe they were the same person? Then again, why would Scourge pretend to be in the hero course? Then again, I understand very little about Scourge, so maybe there's an underlying reason...

I was so deep in thought that I hadn't even noticed that Shigaraki Hotaru and his friend had already left.

Izuku Pov:

I was walking back to the bar. After I had met up with the rest of the class, they were going to hang out with each other some more. I had told them that I had something that I had to do, so I left.

I carried my bag over my shoulder. Eventually, I made it to the outside of the bar. There wasn't anyone around, so I just opened the door and walked in.

Right as I entered, a sword was pointed directly at my eyes.

"Stop right there!" "What are you doing here? You're welcomed here any time!"

'Why do I feel like this has happened before?'

Word Count{not including this}: 2229

AN: Thanks for 40k reads! I'm just going to say this for absolutely no reason, but I'm honestly not proud of some of the first chapters of this. I didn't start editing my chapters until a couple chapters ago, so before that probably isn't great. Also, I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote some of the past stuff.

Just felt like saying this. I'm wondering if I should start writing a Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild fanfiction, another BNHA/MHA fanfiction, or a Minecraft fanfiction. I know that last one sounds kinda weird, but when I say that, I mean like with ocs and stuff.

Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed and I hope you have a good rest of your day or night!

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