19: The Sports Festival Pt. 1

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Izuku Pov:

I told the SOS that I would feed them the info on the students' quirks after analyzing them at the Sports Festival. Currently, I was changing into my PE uniform with everyone else.

"Hey, Shigaraki," Kaminari called out to me, "Why're you wearing the winter uniform? Aren't you gonna get hot?"

"N-no, I get cold really easily," I replied to him as I took off my earrings.

As I was tying my hair into its usual formation I thought, 'I'm going to need to make sure that my contact lens doesn't fall out during this.'

One our way to the bus, we met the girls and Aizawa. We got onto the bus, it started, and we were on our way to the stadium that the Sports Festival would take place in. I could tell that everyone was excited and some were nervous. I was also pretty excited but I hid it behind a mask of nervousness.

Ashido was sitting right next to and she seemed to notice my nervousness, "Hey, Shi, there's no need to worry! I saw you beat those villains up a couple days ago! I'm sure you'll do well!"

'Shi?' I thought to myself.

"Wait, villains?" Katsuki yelled from the other side of the bus, "You beat some villains? Don't think you're better than me! I'm still going to beat all of you!"

"No you're not," Shoto spoke up, "because I'm going to beat you."

"Huh? What did you say Shoto?" Katsuki growled.

"I'm going to bea-," Shoto repeated himself, but was interrupted.

"I'll fight with my all against any of you, so don't hold back!" Izumi joined into the conversation.

"I'll try my best too," Shouko nodded.

Then, everyone else started yelling except for Shinso, Tokoyami Shoji, Yaoyorozu, and me.

'How did the conversation evolve so much in a matter of seconds,' I thought as I tuned out all the screaming.

After a while, Aizawa seemed to have enough of it, so he used is quirk while glaring at everyone. We were silenced in an instant. After a while, everyone started talking to each other normally.

'Wow, maybe I need to try that with the three idiots,' I smirked at the thought of my family's antics.

"Hey, I just noticed, but doesn't Shigaraki kinda look like a girl?" Mineta spoke up.

Everyone quieted down at his random comment. I even noticed that Aizawa was peeking at us from his seat at the front of the bus. The tension in the bus was thick enough to be cut by a knife.

"Yeah, he kinda does," Kaminari said dumbly from beside me.

No one made any sounds. Not even Katsuki was saying anything. After a while, I decided to speak.

"I guess," my eyes wandered upwards.

I could practically feel everyone's sigh of relief, but Mineta ruined the peace once again, "So are you a girl?"

'What the hell, you were literally in the same changing room as I me,' my mouth twitched a bit. "No, I'm not a girl."

"Are you sure?" Mineta put a finger to his chin, as if he was actually questioning my gender.

"Yes, I'm sure," I gave Mineta a deathly cold glare. "You were literally in the same changing room as me, you rotten grape."

Everyone seemed surprised by my drastic change in demeanor, but Katsuki just nodded while muttering something about a nickname. The rest of the bus ride was spent in silent conversation, Ashido trying to lighten my mood, and Jiro attacking Kaminari with her earphone jacks for saying what he said out loud.

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