7: A Day in Life

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Narrator Pov:

When Izuku returned to the bar, he was feeling better. Before Kurogiri had made the portal for him, Izuku was nervous. He didn't really dislike Izumi and her friends for all the things they did to him, but he didn't like them either; he kind of just thought of them as people he used to know.

Even though Izuku didn't hold anything against his former friends and family, his new family did. One day, Izuku had gotten drunk. Yes, drunk. He had been practicing making drinks with Kurogiri earlier in the day. At dinner, Izuku took the drinks out for everyone to try. That included himself. It turns out that Izuku was a lightweight drinker; he was extremely lightweight. All it had taken for him to get drunk were 2 shots. It also turns out that Izuku was the type of person to get really comfortable when they were drunk. That night, he slung his arm around Tomura, rubbed his face against his face, and blabbed about everything that happened in his life in detail. He said all of that, just to tell everyone that he was happy and grateful for his new family.

It warmed the hearts of the hardened villains, but they were also angry with the Yagi family and Izuku's entire old school, including the staff. The next day, Izuku only remembered bits and pieces of what happened, but no one told him that he had gotten drunk; they thought that it was kind of cute and funny to see their, usually timid and nervous cinnamon roll, become an entirely different person.

Izuku's current training was hard, but he enjoyed doing it. Most of his time was focused on sword lessons and endurance training. Stain usually ambushed people in alleyways, and used his quirk to secure the kill. Since Izuku didn't have a quirk, Stain was going to teach him his main fighting style, which required a lot of endurance(Stain's fighting style is so cool.). Izuku's endurance was already pretty good; he could run a mile and then go into a fight. Izuku's speed and balance exceeded Stain's; the balance was probably from practicing martial arts movements, and the speed could've been from Izuku's body type and explosive leg power and acceleration. Izuku's physical strength was probably less than Tomura's, who had more muscle on his body than he let on.

Speed and balance training was left out of the regimen because of Izuku's skill with them already. First, Izuku would work on endurance, then, he would do basic arm strength training, then his lessons with Stain came later in the day. Just two months after his training begun, Izuku was able to tell a difference in his endurance capacity and the muscle on his arms, though they were still quite thin, not that he wanted or needed them to be bulky in the first place. Stain's lessons comprised of multiple things: At first, Izuku was taught the basics of swordsmanship in general and he picked up on it very quickly, but then they moved on to Stain's sword and knife technique, which Izuku was really excited for.  Stain's main fighting style involved jumping around, dashing, and dodging, using the surroundings for mobility. He would throw his knives, and then attack with his katana. He had enough strength to and durability to tank attacks and continue fighting.

Izuku and Stain agreed that Izuku would wouldn't use as many knives as Stain. Instead, he would use a katana and one other dagger. Izuku's speed was faster than Stain, who was on par with physical enhancements, so is Izuku trained his speed to the limit, it would be rare for him to have to use ranged weaponry. Not only that, but due to Izuku's slighter stature, he wouldn't be able to attack efficiently while having too much bulk on his combat gear.

Stain told him that after Izuku finished his combat training, he would learn to intimidate people. Stain was able to release his aura and killing intent to put fear into others. He called it fear inducement. He told Izuku that to be able to do it, one must focus on the things that make yourself feel negative emotions in your mind. You focus on those feelings and you stare down whoever you want to effect. You must have a clear mind of only those emotions to be able to do so, so Stain told Izuku to learn how to clear his mind of anything. Being able to clear your own mind also made it so that you would be less distracted when your focused on one thing. Stain had another thing that he called Aggression; he said that he focused on his determination to do something, and he would act on it. He would do whatever he wanted to do in the name of his goal, and it would fuel him to achieve it.

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