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A lot of people forget that kash is just a young nigga , his competition was all older & he had the game in a headlock .

"You young niggas think y'all can just get money ' play around , y'all don't know nothing about foundation" his oldest competitor bolo said

"You trynna get at me and my boys like we some amateurs, when we got shit running , I think you should take some notes from the young niggas" kash chuckled after he took his weeks pay.

After getting up & giving bolo
A hand shake he headed out,

As he walked out, he walked into his car & began to drive , as he reversed a man ran up to his car , pulled out a gun , & started shooting at him,

Startled , he put the car in drive & drove into the shooting man & continued to drive off,

"Wtf !" He thought , he pulled his gun out his stash & placed it on his lap,

He called his boys & told them to meet them at the spot,

"So leaving the swap bolo basically tried to have you killed" trev said

"Yup , and I'm not hitting this nigga up about it! Imma just get him next transaction"kash said

As he & his friends began to exit the trapp , a black truck pulled up, & quickly fired rounds towards the trap, kash had no other choice but to run . With trev right behind him , a guy tried to chase him down but due to the police sirens the guy chasing him had to retreat. Calling one of their boys to come grab them they ducked by a near bush until their friend arrived!

"It's ON !" Said trev as he hit his hand .

"I heard the police got Gman" trev said

Kash sat quiet he was more then upset.

Kash made a call to have the trap emptied out, for now on the trap would be more secure in the apartment he & nas usually meet at. But that would only last a week,

At the new trap they had a meeting on moving low profile & no one being on the street. After the meeting. Trev & kash was ready to do some work. But before they made this move they arranged some things , a 3 week vacation.

Kash shot nas a text , telling her to take off for 3 weeks.  & he will cash app her money to make up for the pay , she was not down for it at first but finding out laya was going too with trev , she was down, his mother was coming also. He told them they would be leaving tomorrow so do what they gotta do to get ready.

Hanging up the phone , he looked over at trev, they got a drop on a spot trev be at 

"Bro ain't that Chloe ," trev said

Chloe walked outside with bolo & gave him a hug & kiss before getting into the car & driving off,

"I knew she was a slut." Kash said as he shook his head,

Bolo took forever to come out , so kash had another idea , shoot up the first person to come out the house .

As soon as the first man stepped out they jumped out with ski mask & automatics , they also shot up the rest of the house & shot out the tires to the cars before retreating to the car.

Quickly driving away , their other boys was behind waiting on the survivors to attempt to get away But before the survivors could make away , the police was pulling up, leaving kash boys to drive off without shooting.

Making it home he hurried up & packed , before driving his most known car to a gas station near the airport & catching an Uber the rest of the way.

Waking up in the am , nas told her parents she was going on a surprise girls trip , they said no but she was going anyway. Kash had sent her , her flight info & 3,000 to get ready , she then met up with laya at the nail shop , after nails they had to shop quickly & pack because their flight left at 12a.

While nas was getting things together kash was already there making sure her arrival was grand. His mom arrived hours early , he brung her because he didn't want anyone to touch her , he didn't want to risk it, he sent his mom off too a spa resort for the weeks.  While he & trev rented out a villa.

While kash was gone he was still going to play Chloe close , he sent her a paragraph telling her how ruff things was & how he wishe she could help him clear his mind. She fell for the bait easy, but little did he know , bolo had her up to something too .

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