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Picture in media: Nas

As weeks passed, kash been making his moves & his money , For the first time ever cashier girl called him , he didn't answer being that he was with one of his hoes,

2 days later he called her & invited her to dinner & told her to be ready at 7.

Sitting in her room alone , Nas sighed , nas as in cashier girl , nas was a young girl a fresh 19 who lived with both parents & her only sister who recently passed,

Her mother Kim was a caregiver & her father Vernon was a mechanic & also cut hair with his spare time , they had only been living In Memphis for a year since her grandmother passed & left the house to her father. It was better then renting a home in California ,

It was a nice paid for home in a nice middle class neighborhood .

Nas hit up laya but the dinner was so random laya couldn't call off.

Sitting on her bed, nas proceeded to get ready still.

Nas showered & curled her hair , she put on a simple champagne silk dress & some champagne heels that wrapped up to her knee.

She sprayed her purfume & sat in her room until she received the text to come outside.

As she walked out her parents questioned her & she assured them she was fine & she stepped out.

He pulled up in a royal blue brand new Ferrari , he stepped out of the car dressed nice , smelling good & opened the door for her,

"Thanks" she said

"& btw my name is nas" she added as she sat in the car,

"Huh?" He said

"My name , it's nas , you never asked so I never told you" she said ,

Although she doesn't make a big deal of things she notice everything.

"My bad," he chuckled as he put on his seatbelt,

The car ride he just played his music. They drove far & went to a restaurant that was 45 mins away , It was a beautiful roof top scenery ,

"How have you been?" He asked

"Honestly, I just want to get away" she said
"I'm going through something I can't handle ," she said as her eyes watered .
"I hit you up that day , I had remembered you said you were visiting your brother grave , so i figured you knew my pain" she added as a tear fell,

He looked at her & felt her pain. He was lost

"I know I said I didn't want any hugs right now , but I need it" she said holding back tears,

He got up & hugged her, she clinched on to him & for some reason he cared about her ,

"I barely have friends out here , I can't cry to my parents I'm trying to be strong , it was just me & my big sister & someone just ..... just took her" she said as she broke down,

He held her tighter.

"I'm sooo sorry that I'm messing this dinner up" she said trying to not cry

"Nah , you good I understand" he said

"You wanna order the food to go ?" He said

"No ! I'm not ready to go home , I'm not ready , I had to get away" she said

"I gotta spot , we can chill talk , whatever" he said

She nodded as she wiped her tears  & they walked out

Getting back into his car they pulled up to his other small apartment he don't use but it was nice,

The whole car ride nas vented about her child hood with her sister, he understood her venting & knew she was releasing stress.

As they got inside she was calm

"You feel better huh" he asked

"Yeah" she chuckled,

"So that's what happened when you didn't come" he asked

"Yes" she said .

"How did you get over it" she asked him

"I didn't" he said
"& I won't" he added,

He stood up & went into his kitchen & poured a glass of champagne.

"You drink" he asked,

"No but I will" she said

"It's just champagne you'll be good" he added

As they drank , they got to know one another, & everything was going good, they ended up laughing & passing out on his couch,

He woke up & grabbed her the blanket off his bed. & placed it on her, he slept at one end of the couch & she slept at the other end.

Dropping her off at home in the am he smiled , & so did she

"Thank you , for everything" she said
"I got you" he said

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