• Chapter 8 •

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Y/n's POV

My friends and I exited the classroom after school was finally over. I headed over to my dorm and got dressed into my casual clothes.

I instantly collapsed onto my bed in exhaustion. I felt as if I were nauseous or sick, although I wasn't. I was just simply tired and stressed.

"Ugh.. why do I have to live like this?" I thought. "Why can't my brother just be less irritating?"

I decided to talk to Mina since she's one of the only people that could possibly help me. I got up and grabbed my phone and called her for help.

"Oh, um- hi y/n!" Mina exclaimed. "What's up?"

"Hey, Mina.. could you come to my dorm, please?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, sure," she said. "Why do you need me to go there?"

"I just want to talk to you, that's all," I replied.

"Ah, okay then. I'm on my way!" Mina said happily.

"Alright, thanks. See you later," I said. I hung up and waited for Mina to arrive to my dorm.

When I heard Mina's footsteps, I got up to go open the door.

"Hey, y/n! I'm here, what did ya want to talk about?" she asked.

I went to go sit down at the edge of my bed, I started to explain what I was dealing with for the past few days.

"I know that I've already told you this, but my brother has been really bugging me." I explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry that he's been annoying you a lot. It must be really hard to have him as your brother," Mina said.

"Yeah, no kidding.." I replied.

"What else have you been struggling with..?" she asked.

"Well, he's been making me really tired lately and I'm barely getting enough sleep..." I said.

"Oh, I guess that explains why you were sleeping during class.." Mina said.

"Wait- I was sleeping during class?!" I exclaimed.

"Erm, yeah.." Mina said. "If you want you could join my sleepover with me and the girls!"

"I think I'll pass," I replied. "Thanks for offering, though."

"Okay then. Do you need anything else for me to do?" Mina asked.

"No, I don't. Thanks for coming to my dorm to check up on me," I said.

"No problem! Anyways, I'll be back if ya need me, see ya!" Mina exclaimed.

She left my dorm and closed the door.

"..at least I have friends that care about me," I thought.

I laid down on my bed to get some sleep since I was really tired. I fell asleep while I was resting my head on my soft pillow.

..But suddenly, I heard noise from outside of my window that woke me up. It sounded like people talking.

"Urgh, who could that be..?" I thought.

I decided to get up from my bed to see who woke me up. I opened my window and stuck my head out.

I looked down and saw my friends talking to each other, they were sitting on a bench.

I couldn't hear what they were saying. For some reason, everyone was mostly talking to Todoroki-kun. I didn't know why they were all talking to him.

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