"Did... didn't you get my email? I told you I'll be here today to get my things." His piercing eyes were looking at her directly. She was sure her blue eyes were enormous. They were staring into each other.

His handsome face was etched with pain as he looked at her face. Darien, her husband, was red-eyed and...crying? No...

But he was. Tears were falling down his haunted face.

"What the hell are you still doing here?" he shouted.

Serena would have trembled in her stance if she had not detected his anguish behind every word. Darien must have realized it and he, as if defeated, weakly dropped into the single couch, his head bent lower than it was earlier.

"I guess it doesn't matter. Yes, I got your email. You could have just sent me a text message that you're still here and you don't want to see me. But I guess I really wanted that one last chance to talk with you."

His usually powerful voice was crushed and beaten and it made Serena's heart ache. He continued talking like a broken man. He seemed full of self-contempt. "Don't want to see you? I thought it was you who can't stand the sight of me."

"For all the years we've been together, I've tried my damnedest to make sure you never knew how much I loved you. I went to shameful efforts to make sure you believed I never did. You deserve to know after all the hell I put you through."

"Oh, Darien..." Serena dropped to her knees in front of him and placed her hands on his lap.

He glanced up to look into her eyes. "I honestly love you, Serena. I don't think I ever stopped. I didn't even know when I started falling in love with you. Maybe that night when I first met you..."

Serena could see and almost feel the pain written in his eyes. He was taking in the incredulity and the confusion on her face like a man that saw an oasis in the desert.

"Serena, I love you so much. I'm sorry for forcing you... to be with me again. Please forgive me for blackmailing you to being my wife again," he pleaded brokenly.

"No, don't say that," Serena managed. "Maybe that's our way, you pushing me to do things that I actually wanted to do... like being your wife, being with you again. Maybe we both don't have enough courage to admit what we really feel for each other so we find excuses to be together."

"Please, your pity is the last thing I need!" he barked, standing up, once again assuming the dominant role. "I can't accept it, Serena."

Serena got to her feet, dropping her shoulder bag to the floor.

"It's not pity, Darien." Serena moved to be at his side at once. She touched his face but he turned away.

"Leave," he commanded.

"Why are you so obstinate? What is making you act this way? I'm telling you I-"

"I heard you and Molly talking. She was telling you about how unfortunate that you met Seiya during that hospital concert! I'm sure that he is expecting you and the children you promised him."

"Darling," Serena cried, hugging him from behind, her hands on her flat stomach. She felt the stiffening of his body. If it was because of the endearment or of her nearness, she wasn't sure. "Seiya isn't expecting me. And he's not waiting for my little boy and girl either. You are my husband. I want you to be their future father. You're the only one who have the ultimate say about it. And that's my say-"

Darien turned around to face her and stared deeply into her eyes. She cupped his face in her hands.

She was sure he could see her love for him on her face. His hands moved to feel her neck, her face and he kissed her lips with the strength of a man holding on to dear life. Serena could still see the lingering of doubt in his blue eyes and the uncertainty in his face.

NEVER BROKEN: A SailorMoon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now