"Aren't I, by God? Are you crazy, woman? Are you even my sister? You told my wife that I'm seeing Raye," he half stated, wanting to swat Amy like that time when she paired him with a high school friend during her junior prom. It was a good thing that a cousin was there to take his place.

"Raye talks as if there's something between you. She wouldn't act like she owns you if you don't encourage her," she reasoned.

"I do not encourage her. And I thought logic was one of your best subjects in college," he insultingly said.

"Logic and women don't mix. Besides, I am a doctor of medicine, not philosophy." She was grateful that they were outside. If they were at their ancestral house, she wasn't sure if Darien wouldn't hit her.

"This isn't really what I went to see you for," he said when he had calmed down. He grimaced when he tasted his cold coffee and motioned for the waiter to serve a new one.

"So, what is it that you want to know? Really?"

"Raye said that Serena had an abortion," he said after the waiter's retreating form. His steaming coffee was in front of him. "Why would she tell me that? Who told her to pass on that message to me?"

It was Amy's turn to pale. No, Raye wouldn't do that. Or would she... "You're wrong, Darien. Raye would never stoop that low. Are you accusing me of—"

"Amy, dear," he used his most patient, brotherly tone, "I'm not accusing you of anything. Talking to you now, I realize that you have more concern for my wife than I gave you credit for. I thought your loyalty would be to your friend. I'm sorry I doubted you."

She stared at him. "I'm aware of my friends' faults, however much they are friends of mine."

"Yes, I know that now. But who would tell her such a thing? What exactly did you tell her to pass on to me? For all her failings, Raye wouldn't deliver the wrong message. Her job depended on it. A secretary's job always does. Telling me over the phone that my wife was found unconscious... could you imagine what kind of shock that was to me? Then, adding that Serena had an abortion? It was the least I could care about at the time. I was worried to death, frustrated, unable to get the next available flight back home. You can't imagine how angry I was at the situation."

Amy looked at her brother. He had never been this forthcoming. "Sorry, Darien, but maybe Serena thought that your anger was directed at her. And after losing the baby, my guess is she felt so guilty."

"What did she have to be guilty for? She never heard a word from me. I gave her what she wanted."

"Maybe that's what clouded it more. You could be such a clam. Anyway, we're getting off track. What exactly did Raye tell you? I couldn't exactly remember what I said to her, but I honestly wouldn't discredit Serena that way. Even if I hate her. Which I don't. Not that you would believe me, anyway. You mean... you believed Raye?" Her voice rose an octave then.

"Why should I believe her? She is not my wife. She wasn't the one lying in the hospital bed, pale and almost lifeless..." Darien fisted his hand on the table, his knuckles almost white.

"Don't, Darien. Let's just be thankful that I was there in time and found her. I know it was a bad time for Serena and you, but I would dare say that your wife bore the brunt of that deal. I just thought you made a very wrong decision, leaving her when she most needed you. Oh, she tried not to be a clinging vine." Amy's smile was melancholy.

"What do you mean?" Darien found it painful to swallow. His coffee tasted more bitter than he wanted.

"For days, I could not forget how she'd ask for you, but whenever I would ask her if I should call you, she would change her mind. Remember, you instructed me to keep her hospitalized until she was better? It was the least I could do, make her comfortable. There were times when I needed to sedate her to make her sleep. Of course, I only did that when she was really crying."

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