All is Fair in... War

Start from the beginning

I have nothing to feel guilty about! Why is Molly acting this way?

"Yes, Alain. It's Darien's car. Please sit down and I'll prepare some fresh coffee if you don't care for tea." She turned on her back to face the coffee maker, and tightened the sash of the robe she was wearing.

She didn't bother making more coffee. She hated the thought of wasting what's left in the container. They should just "make do" with that premium tea.

She was about to get some plates for the pancakes when someone seized her by the shoulders, turning her around.

Serena didn't know if it was her or Molly who gasped.

Alain Ledger's green eyes scanned her face, and her body, as if searching for something that he couldn't or didn't want to name. 'What is he doing here?'

He was concerned, that much she was sure. "What's wrong?" she asked. She broke free of his hold and made a move to get some plates and forks.

'You weren't answering my calls last night,' Alain said.

'I already told him you're all right. I assured him of that last night when he wanted to come over, it was so late. I told him that your phone is old and the battery would die on you in the most opportune moments-"

"Shut up, Molly," Alain barked without looking at her.

"Well, excuse me!"

'I'm really sorry if you were worried, Alain. And thank you for coming here with Molly and Marvin." Molly, if not the couple, was a constant visitor. It was the first time Alain called this early.

"I was surprised when he passed us on the street on our way here today. We all arrived in his car," Molly said, now sitting on the table and setting place mats for them all. She poured tea for her husband. "Sit down, Alain, and have some tea. Let Serena serve us some pancakes before they turn cold and soggy."

"I'm really sorry for worrying you all unnecessarily,' Serena said sincerely.

'You're okay. That's all that matters,' Molly said and walked to her, getting the plates and forks from her hands to set them on the table. "I forgot to ask you, are you able to get the money for the down payment for your father's treatment? That's another reason why we're here. Marvin was able to contact a real estate broker. He's a friend of his from law school, but he failed his exams and decided to concentrate on selling properties.'

'Was Darien here since last night?' Alain persisted.

Serena lifted her eyes to Alain, then shifted them to Molly, and sighed. She was not ready to explain yet. Alain gripped her arm and she looked at him again.

Surely, she didn't owe him an explanation?

He was acting like a possessive boyfriend and she didn't like it. Serena moved away from him, releasing herself from his hold.

'Was your husband here last night, Serena?' he repeated, his tone darker.

She felt herself blush. 'Yes. I called him.'

Molly looked surprised, but she simply shrugged as she looked at her husband.

'I was sure he would help me. He was the only one I could think of.'

'You can't be serious!' Alain sneered.

"He offered his help before," she reasoned, more to herself than to anyone else in the room. "I needed to do it.'

"He's not as cold as I thought,' was Molly's remark. She seemed placated by the gesture, but her voice said, 'He needs to do more by you. Helping your father is not enough.'

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