In the ' Jail Cell'

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Acapella's POV( In the ' Jail cell' same time as last chapter
I 100 percent do not blame Missy for this mission, i know that she tried. We are now just waiting for Missy and Wildcard to com and ' Save us'. It was getting late and we knew that we were gonna stay here overnight. I mean, it is not thhhattt bad? They still brought us food and drinks and some blankets and pillows. There was 2 bathrooms in this empty room. I still don't get why Raven and Altair would want to even capture us! Like what is in with them! We did nothing wrong!
Me: Wheeeellllsss
Wheels: yes?
Me: I'm borrreeddd! Could you please put down your device for a few minutes????
Wheels: Okay, fine just for you
He put down his device and look at me
Wheels: Well, what do you want to do?
Acapella: Spend time with you
Guppy:  Stop it guys! You are making me jealous!
Sharkboy: Wait what now?
Ms. Granada: Don't worry Sharkboy, Guppy is only 5, she dose not mean to!
Sharkboy: Well good, because for as long as I'm hr father, she will never date
Lavagirl: Honey, don't take it too seriously
Sharkboy: Oh I'm very serious
We all laughed
Third Person's POV
Fast Foward: It's about time to go to sleep I guess
Acapella: Yea, there is nothing else to do anyways
Wheels: Ugh! I'm sooo hungry!
Acapella: Well feel free o eat my dinner too
Everyone looks at the rotten peanut butter sandwich that they each had
Wheels: Well, it's better than nothing
After a while of silence
Miracle Guy: Well! Better get to sleep now! Like there is anything better we can do
Everyone: Good night!
Wheels POV
Me and Acapella decided to turn in to sleep, we brought our pillows and blankets together so we could sleep together.
Mrs. Vox and my dad will sleep at the sides of us
Me: So anything you want to talk about?
Acapella: I wonder what Missy and Acapella are doing now
Wheels: Yea, me too
Acapella: They are probably cuddling each other too sleep, they have always been the best couple
Wheels: Well we are the best looking couple in my eyes
Acapella: Aww
I gave Acapella a kiss, my very first kiss. When i pulled back she shrieked and was as red as a tomato
Me: No worries, it was also my first kiss
Acapella: It was! How did you know!
Wheels: By the look on your face
Acapella: Oh..right
We then held hands to sleep

Authors Note
I just wanted to thank you all for the votes and reads! TYSM! I am really sorry but I may not be updating tomorrow as I will be busy, I am also running out of good ideas and finding a way to end this book. Yes, unfortunately, this book shall come to an end really soon :<

Enjoy this chapter though!

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