Chapter twenty-eight

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We finish breakfast and then head over to Aria's house. The sky is blue and the sun is shinning, so we are definitely not getting stuck in a storm this time.

We saddle up the horses and get ready to leave. Aria goes up front, followed by Nora than Emma and I end the line.

' Where are we going?' Emma asks.

My eyes meet Aria's before she says: ' Well Its a really nice route, very adventurous'.

'Oehh like fallen trees and stuff?' Nora says.

'Let me just say...I hope you aren't scared of getting wet'.

Nora starts cheering while Emma looks terrified.

I lean forward.' Don't worry Em. It's gonna be okay'.

We get off the dirt road and onto the soft sand path.

I decide to ride up front next to Nora with Emma and Aria behind us.

We start trotting. Tucker and Raven have around the same speed, Ginger on the other hand has to almost gallop to keep up.

'I wish I lived here' Nora says.' If I was you I would never go back to our city'.

I smile. Deep down I wish that was an option. But at the same time I couldn't miss my friends and family for much longer.

We trot for about ten minutes when Aria gives me a sign that we are nearly at the hidden path.

' We are making a switch to the path right there' I point in front of us.

' Where?' Nora says.

I let the horses go back to walking and lead Raven towards the path.

' Are you sure this is a legit riding path?' Nora says.

I smile.' Yess me and Aria ride here all the time'.

Nora looks from me to Aria. She knows something is up.

' I don't know about this. Look at all those tree roots. If Ginger falls she might get really hurt' Emma says.

'We will just walk the first part' I say.

Nora's eyes suddenly spot the hidden sign.

' What is this?'

Before I can stop her she lets Tucker walk to it and pushes the branches away to read it.

'Forbidden for visitors..danger of collapsing?!'

'That is not save. No way I'm going in there' Emma says.

Nora looks at me.' Whats going on Megan?'.

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