Chapter twenty-seven

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I hear my phone bleeping. I open my eyes. The room is still dark, only light coming from the sides of the flower curtains.

I get on my elbows and look over to the ground. I can see the silhouette of Emma and Nora sleeping on their air mattresses.

What time is it..

I lean over to the night stand and feel until I have my phone.

The touchscreen turns on and I squeeze my eyes close because of the sudden heavy lighting.

I hold my phone under my blanket, so that I don't wake up Emma or Nora.

After a few seconds I open my eyes again. It is a txt from Sarah.

Sarah: is everything going to plan?

I look over at Emma. She is peaceful asleep. I haven't told her yet. She seemed so nervous about leaving Ginger there.

She cares so much about her horse and I feel horrible. But we need her.

I start typing.

Me: Yes.

I get a reply within seconds.


I turn off my phone and put it back on my nightstand.

I turn around and go back to sleep.

                                        - - -

The next morning at breakfast I have come up with a plan to convince Emma.

' Shall we go for a ride today?'

They both nod excited while stuffing more pancakes in their mouths.

' I will txt Aria. She knows all the fun riding spots'.

In stead of texting Aria I send Sarah a text.

Me: We need to come over today.

Sarah: Why? That was not part of the plan.

Me:  I know but I need you guys to convince Emma. If she sees how bad you and Justin are doing she will want to help.

Sarah: Justin thinks it's a bad idea. He is scared you will lead him to us

Me: We will be careful I promise.

Sarah: Okay then.

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