Chapter 1 - Humble beginnings

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He hit the ground with a loud thud, the wind getting knocked out of him as his back made contact with the hard concrete. How the hell did he see me? He thought as he tried to stand, the breath still caught in his lungs making moving harder as he gasped for air. He'd just got kicked out of a window on the forth story of an apartment building, He wouldn't have let that happen if they weren't holding a kid hostage. The kid -of whom had to have been no younger then ten by the looks of it- they had a gun pointed at, his parents had gotten into some tricky business with the neighborhood drug dealers. Theseus, the vigilante that had just gotten kicked out the window, was attempting to stop the kidnapping of the ten year old boy before things got too violent and the cops had to be called. And that wouldn't be the best thing for him.

"There always has to be that one guy with the gun." He groaned as he finally managed to stand on shaky feet, the thugs with the kid walking out of the building and shoving them into the van while the mother came out screaming for them to stop and let go of her child whilst the father tried to hold her back so she wasn't shot. A warning shot was fired near both of their heads as - who Theseus assumed was the leader of the group- yelled at them to get back or he'd shoot the kid.

"GET YOUR ASSES BACK IN THE BUILDING OR I'LL SHOOT THE BRAT!!" Was the last thing heard before the door of the van slammed shut and it took off. Shit! He thought as he started to run after the car. His side hurt like hell and his lungs burned with every breath he took, but he ran as fast as he could. He had to at least be within ten feet of the fast moving vehicle if he didn't want to go past it once he teleported.

Come on, come on! Just a little further! And just like that, he found himself on the top of the car, shakily trying to keep his balance while the van made a sharp turn. He doesn't usually take on bigger things like this, he's more of a stop the mugger and occasional robbery type of vigilante, he's never ran into any big-time drug dealers like these guys before. Surely the Heroes are going to show up as soon as the cops are called, which means he has two options: he either needs to help them and then leave as fast as possible before they see him, or just leave it up to the actual Heroes and let them use the kid as leverage.... Yeah, no. No way in hell would he let that happen.

The problem with the Heroes arriving to do their jobs is simple; it's not that Theseus didn't like them, it's just the fact that Vigilantes aren't legal. What he's doing is illegal. Especially since no-one really knows what his Achilles Heel is. And in a world with soulmates, superpowers and the ability to be Hero or Villain, it was crucial to know where the Achilles Heel is.

In this world, the Achilles Heel is the weak spot in the body that has the ability to kill or severely injure someone. In the case of Heroes, it's essential to tell the government what and where they are so they can stop someone who-and this has almost never happened-turns from Hero to Villain. And depending what kind of power you have, the more mental than actual physical damage is done. Especially like the power to look into someone's mind, mind control, telekinesis, or telepathy; Achilles Heels are very dangerous to people with those types of powers, mainly because it involves some sort of special ray gun to knock them out.

There are many types of powers in the world, but to name them all would take too long. Especially since there are some that have yet to be discovered, as well as the fact that all the different powers on the spectrum are mostly from the evaluation of some species. Some mix of species created hybrids,a simultaneously rare and often occurrence amongst all the people of L'manberg. But the basic categories of none-hybrid related abilities: Enderian, Avian, Elytrian, Phantom, Blazeborn, Slimican, Merling, Shulk, Piglin, Guardian, Dragonborn, Starborn, and Bee, Zombie, Satyr and more. It was quite common for there to be Hybrids as descendants of all these different species that used to roam about, long since extinct, but what was rare of all the types of hybrids is what is called the Triple-Hybrid. A mix of the three different species is rare. Even more rare then that, are the Pure Blooded. Rare individuals that possess only one type of blood -whether that be Enderian, Elytrian, Piglin, Merling, or Dragonborn- that holds no other type of genes in it, therefore getting their names as Pure Bloods. More on these types later, back to Theseus on the roof of a moving vehicle.

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