Chapter 30

29 11 9

7 months later.

"And you're sure you guys don't mind?" I ask Alex and David.

"Uhh relax Child" David says, clearly annoyed.

In these past 7 months, these two have become my best friends. So when they found out that Danny was coming out today they offered to carry me all the way.

"Yeah, we don't mind, we love you babe" David says.

"Hey I'm the only one you're supposed to call babe" Alex frowns.

The two start to bicker and I zone out.

Danny's coming out today, but where do we go from here. I would be lying if I said the distance didn't put a strain on our relationship.
He didn't even get a chance to apply to college or anything....

Dannys POV.

"Here" the gaurd thrust a bag in my hands.
I look in there to see the same clothes they took me to prison in.

I'm finally leaving this hell hole. I've lost alot of weight while here. Sometimes, I would even find maggots in my food. And the bathrooms.... well you probably don't want to hear that.

I slip th clothes on only for them to hang loosely around my body. As they escort me out of my cell, I see many faces watching me. Some that may have a couple years to go, some that may spend eternity in here.

Ive tried to escape multiple times but eventually stopped when month kept on getting added to my sentence.

Now I finally get to be with my girlfriend again.

I watch as they open the prison gates... I'm never coming back here.

Ok, I've been sitting on the grass at the front of these prison gates for 2 hours now and Gravity still hasn't showed up.

Maybe I could start walking until I see somebody to borrow their phone? I've actually memorized Gravitys number.


I've been walking for about 5 minutes when I finally see an old lady sitting on a bench.

"Excuse me miss can I borro-"
I trail off when she starts to eye me up and down. She takes in my dirty clothes, then the direction I'm coming from.


"No ma'am, I'm not gonna hurt y-" I start.

"I don't have any money!! Please I-"

"Argh I don't want money, I'm just asking to borrow-"

"What's going on here?"
I turn around to see a man glaring at me.

"Nothing I was just-" He cuts me off by roughly shoving me  to the side and starts calming the old lady down.

I raise my hand up to shove him back but then I stop.
I put my hands in my pockets and walk away.

And I continue walking until I reach far into the town.

Third Person POV.

A crowd surrounded the vehicle. Some taking pictures and some conversating about what just took place.

Just out of curiosity, Danny stopped to ask what happened.

He asked the first person he saw, a young lady. Little did he know that she was the person who called the 911.

"What's going on here? Why the large crowd?" He asked.

"There was a terrible accident" she sighs before continuing "No one died though, but those three kids sustained massive injuries"

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