I grab my necklace I took from my father's mansion in Australia as a remembrance of my father, the only issue of this necklace is that it represents something that he started with so much passion. What most acolytes would identify themselves with, the symbol that represents us all. I press my finger on the cold metal and trace the triangle, until it leads me to the circle in the middle. For what had been for so long, I close my eyes and say a small prayer for my dead father and for the my fallen siblings and friends. I try this thinking it would bring me more comfort or closure or... I'm not even sure anymore...I'm not sure how to keep going or how to even find a motive.

Nothing is going according to plan, it's as if everything is falling apart and I'm just ready to slip along with it. But I need to find a way, but everything will lead to my affiliation with the acolytes. Maybe getting my brother, Liam out of prison would be a good idea. Liam has always wanted to lead the acolyte, he would get the job done to protect them. I snicker and shake my head, damn I must be really out of my mind already if I would do that. Helping my brother escape prison would lead to even more chaos. Not only that he would come after me at try to kill me, turn out we've both been figuring out who are the two children of my father that will have to fight for my father's place. All the leads that the prophecy said would be done has only been completed so far by Liam and I.

Yet that only leaves me with a little strike of hope, and thats because the prophecy wasn't finish. Or so that's what Dumbledore thought, he said there's a possibility that I may be able to turn things around. So I put all my faith in that idea and because of Dumbledore, he is the main reason why a bad girl is trying to rewrite her wrongs. I' am the daughter of a villain and I know I'm not going to be him. I can never be him. My father made sure of it from the very start, he doomed me with nothing but tragedy.

Since the night he died I understood why, he wanted to protect me from having the same ending as him. So my father made everyone believe all along that it was always going to be Liam. All along I thought that I was just not doing enough to make him proud and that moving here to Hogwarts was just making me soft, but in reality he set up a trap to make me see that I can't be like him, that I have to be myself. Build my own future, a good one. Since the first day I set foot on Hogwarts I thought this was my fathers way of punishing me and it was nothing like that at all. I was stupid for hating him this entire time I was here. I could care less if I'm made of a fool by others, but my father isn't something I'm going to take lightly. So now I understand what he was trying to do this entire time, but now he's no longer here. That will be something I won't be able to thank him. Maybe not now and hopefully in the afterlife I can thank him for trying to set me up in the right path. Now it's up to me of what I want to make of my life.

Before I new it, I was getting ready to start my first day of school. This remainder year I would try to make different. A year I would never forget. I'm going to find a way to have the acolytes live in peace. I will help Harry finish this awful nightmare and win. After that I'll go off and have my happy ever after. Not with the acolytes, not with the illusion society, not with Matteo, not here in the Wizard world. I'm going to live a normal life with no magical wand that can help me do certain things, and most importantly with the only family I have left. Well that's if my siblings want to give that up as well. If not then I guess thats perfectly fine, I've been on my own plenty of times, I know I can do it again.

I feel a slight pain on the side of my stomach were I had gotten stab the first time I had a run in with Matteo. I reach over the nightstand and take a sip of water. I lay on my bed and smile at the very hopeful future. I'll take this as my motive for everyday. One I wish I wasn't setup for but here I was put to make the most of it. I might've been a very heartless person if I stepped up to be the leader of the acolytes. Damn you Hogwarts and everyone that made me change into this new soft girl.

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