His Feelings

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Kiefer's POV
I was just staring at skyler and she looked so beaut- wait no Kiefer don't even say that about her she is just your best friend...you know what she is beautiful and so what it's fine- hold up does that mean I like her? Because I never tell anybody that they are beautiful...Lets just change the subject. Wait why am I having a conversation with my brain
"Hey Sky?" I asked. "Yeah?" She responded "Do you know about the trip with the mighty ducks:game changers" I asked "no, where are we going" "Lo-I'm not gonna tell you until we land there" I said but I wanted to surprise since she hasn't seen her friends from her school in about 4 years, she would always talk about them and tell me and Taegen that she would have dreams of them. She would also talk about her friends like Skyler And Corinne from the Chicken girls cast they were always by her side well that what she would say.
*30 min time skip*
We talked until her mom called to go to the store with her, she got ready and when she was done we hung up.
Ok now let me think. Do I like Skyler or what because I never look at people in awe like at all and I never stare at people for a long time. Weird and when I talk to her I feel like I can tell her anything even tho we only worked with each other for a short time. No one makes me feel like I can talk to that about anything not even Taegen well me and Taegen are best friends but she doesn't make me feel that certain way I do with Sky. Also for Skyler she makes me more confident about myself, she really cares about me. She will do anything if I feel sad or sick. She just want to make me happy. I don't know why I'm like this.







Wow I like Skyler Martinez. I'm surprised at myself because I have never had a crush on my best friend or not even a friend I only had those crushes with the popular girl in school but she is not popular so this is an Actual Crush but on my best friend.

So I feel like that's cringe but cya Mariposas.

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