■ Chapter eight ■

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□ Accteption and Betrayal □

• 1221 words •

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

There is Chacater bashing in this chapter! Sorry.


Draco looked up, a sent he could never forget rushed into the compartment. "Har- P-Potter! What-- What are you doing here?" Draco stood, shaking a little.

Inside the blond was fighting his hybrid animal, he wouldn't just pounce on Harry like he owned him. That would be incredibly embarrassing.

Still, his animal was shouting, "Mate! MATE! My beautiful mate!" Like his life depended on it.

Harry looked down, he had smelt Draco as well when the blond opened his door. Although it was fainter, he still was star struck at the amazing smell.

Harry knew he wouldn't just forgive Draco off of the bat, but his dominate was crying out for him subconsciously. He needed to put his differences aside and help him. So, thats what he did.

Harry grabbed Draco's head, pushing it into his chest like a mother would hold her child. Harry rubbed his back as Draco stood in shock. "Its alright, just breath." Harry's creature was purring at the touch of their mate, even if he's crying.

Draco looked up, he had to bend down to even be in the position he is now. His knees suddenly felt weak, as he knelt before his mate. Holding onto his waist he cried into his mates stomach. Draco sobbed, and wet fat tears ran down his face.

Harry slowly went on his knees as well, holding Draco's head into his shoulder. "Shh, its alright. I'm not going to reject you, Draco.. I need you to breath for me, hun." His voice sweet and calm, not a single strand of hatred leaking through.

They must have sat there for an hour before Draco collected himself. As they stood, the blond seemed to tower over the smaller boy. "I.." Draco started, but he didn't finish, for Harry interrupted him first.

"I know." The brunette smiled, "I am sorry as well, but we must move past that. I am willing to let what you did go, as long as you or for it."

Draco's eyes lit up, "Yes! I mean, of course. " Harry chuckled at Draco's face. For he looked more like a puppy than a big bad veela-demon. Draco opened his arms, a silent request up in the air.

Harry sighed, and walked into Draco's arms. They stood, hugging eachother for a few minutes. "You must also apologize to my friends." He said with a smirk.

Draco let out a low whine, he might be a big scary hybrid, but he had his pride.

"No." A voice rang out, "No, you can't. He trusted you!" Blue eyes met brown as Ronald Weasley yelled at Hermione.

"Oh, get a grip, Ronald! Harry is rich, get it in your little brain of yours! Molly even said what I do is smart. He won't even see it coming!" She claimed, standing tall in the train compartment.

"I'm not letting you do that!" Ron yelled, but he was held back by his little sister.

"Hermione you make me sick." She said, her head down. "He trusted you the most, he called you when he got his inheritance and he looked to you for guidance." She said, "Has it really all been a lie? A game to you?" Ginny looked up, tears racked down her face. Her eyes held betrayal and disgust.

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