○ Chapter 4 ○

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☆ Vaults ☆

•Edited - 0•
•Word count- 1525 •

◇I think I will like this set up much better◇

<Disclaimer! Not all facts in this are cannon. For example, in this they can appreciate at 16 not 17.>



Harry's prize money for winning the Twiwizard Tournament is around $250,000. He inherented around $1,265,625


The girls tugged on Harry's arm, trying to get him to come along. "What, no! We can't just leave! They will get upset!"

"I usually don't do this but... Harry James Potter will you just live a little!"

They then went to Gringotts.



Hermione Granger
Apparition - Apparate
Gringotts Wizarding Bank


Sneaking out of the house was no peice of cake. They couldn't apparate out, for the cupboard was much to small. So, they crawled out of the cupboard, Hermione was very upset with the amount of locks on the door, and carefully went to the backdoor.

The front door had an alarm, but the backdoor didn't. "Why on God's earth would you have the front door alarmed, but not the back?" Hermione questioned.

"I don't know, maybe because we have a six foot tall, privacy fence in the back?" Harry muttered, half-hearted.

Nothing more was said on the topic.

After getting through the horribly loud floor boards, they were finally at the back door. It was not a slidding glass door, but a two French doors. This made their escape much easier.

Well, at least that's what they thought.

The door, when they opened it, made a loud creak. Almost as if it were screaming out into the night. Both, Harry and Hermione, froze.

Suddenly, a loud booming voice rang out, "That better not be you, freak! I SWEAR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BREATH IF THAT IS YOU!"

"Run!" The two ran out the door, racing to get to the gate. When they reach it, they quickly realize that it's locked, from the outside.

"Harry, he is coming!"Hermione shouted. Not knowing what to do, he looked around. Praying that there is something, anything there to help them get over the fence.

A rock.

A large rock was in the corner, it resided there for the soul purpose of seeing who could pick it up and throw it at Harry.


Harry jumped up onto it, "Come on!" He jumped onto the wall of the house, using a window seal as grib, and propelled himself over the fence. Shortly after himself, Hermione jumped over a well.

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