Chapter 3- Runaway.

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It's the next day, I wake up and see Potter sleeping above me and Flora sleeping across in her bed. It's 3 in the morning. I grab my bags. I'm ready to leave. They obviously hate me here so I'll leave, I guess I can stay at Fishers for a night. I grab my bags, unlock the door and go out. I walk for a good hour and get to my closest grocery store. When I got there it just opened so I was the only one there. "Hello-" Says the employee behind the counter. I wave at her. I grab a couple bottles of water and chips, and checkout. "Hey.." The woman says. I turn around and look at her. "Yeah?" "Are-you lost-" "No-" She interrupts me "Well if you're lost I can help you-I mean I know the whole tow-" "No-I'm fine." She looks at me confused "Boris-" I turn around "How do you know my name." "Uh-well you're my brother right? Your dad, he showed pictures' ' I look at her so confused. BROTHER?! Since when did I have siblings? "Well you must have mistaken me for someone else because I don't have any siblings." She nods her head and goes back to work. Why would I have siblings- SINCE WHEN DID I HAVE SIBLINGS- my mom fell out a window right after I was born so it is very impossible for-Then I realize but right now this isn't the main focus. 

I walk out of Walmart and walk even further. I'm hoping to get out of my town. I don't like it at all. Everybody hates me here and I can't even get along with my own crush because his cousin likes me. I walk for a good 2 hours. Then a car pulls up beside me. "Hey kid you lost?" He asks. "No, I'm fine." I start walking faster. The car slows down to a stop right behind me and I keep walking. I hear a door shut from behind me. Just keep walking Boris. Then I feel a hand wrap around my mouth. I struggle and kick the person. He doesn't budge. He grabs my arms and puts me on his shoulder. I punched him. He falls onto the ground. I try to run aways but he has backup. They all attack me. Hitting me with their weapons. I struggle hard but I'm too tired and weak. They took me into their rotten old van that smelled like cigarettes and beer. "Put him in the back, knock him out or something. We don't want him trying to get out." He says in Ukrainian. A large man walks up to me and hits me with a black stick and everything goes black. I don't know how long I was out. I think it must have been a couple hours. I woke up to see myself sitting on a bed, a hard rock bed. I hear voices coming from outside a wood door. I get up to look around. Nothing much is in the room, just a couple of beer bottles. I hear the door unlock and a man walks in. He approaches me, grabs my shirt and throws me on the bed. "Stay." he says with a stern voice. My heart was beating fast. What are they going to do to me? I had to get out. The man walks around the bed. Examining me. He slowly approaches me. He puts out his hand and flicks his two fingers. "Come now boy." I don't want to. I refuse to shake my head. If I have to fight. I will. "Did you hear what I said!" He yells. I nod. "Y-yes." I say. Voice shaking and crackly. He yanks my arm and pulls me out of the room. We pass through dirty hallways, windows broken, stains of sticky moldy beer on the floor. I struggle to break free from his grip. He brings me into a room full of kids that range to the ages from 9 to 18. "You will stay here for couple days." He said. He slams the door shut. "Shit." I say. There are about 6 kids in the room. A couple young and a couple older. "Do you guys know anyway to get out of here?" I ask anyone. One looks up at me. Tall girl. Skinny really skinny. She shakes her head no but eyes a window to her side as if to say 

'There the window is your best luck'

I look over at the window, bars and wood covered by it. I used the tip of my finger nails to try to jab the nail out. No luck. Just my nail coming off and bleeding. The door swings open from behind me. I see the same man. I want to run for it. I want to do it. For Potter. I cant leave him. My heart racing. At the perfect timing right when the man is dragging a kid out of the room I run. Through the hallways. Then I hear shouting from behind me. I didn't know where to go. I took turns leading to a staircase. Down the staircase and there was a door. Freedom. Maybe. Yes. The door was unlocked. Stupid of them. I run as fast as I can. I don't know were I am going, through a woods. I turn around to see that nobody is chasing after me. Best luck ever. I can see a highway, or a street in the distance. When I get there I sit at the side of the road. I stare down the road, not many cars drive by but one. When it did someone in the car saw me. It pulled over. I was scared so I got up and started walking away. "Boris!" I hear a very familiar voice from behind me. I turn around. Its Potter. My heart jumps. I stare at him, nearly started crying. I run up to him and hug him and feel is arm wrap around me was the best feel ever. Over his shoulder I see Mrs. Potter and Flora standing there. I don't want to see Flora right now. I shut my eyes. "I was worried about you." Potter says in a whisper in my ear. "Please don't leave like that again." He said pulling my head up and putting my forehead up to his. "I won't. Promise." I say. Then out of no where I feel this feeling I want to kiss him. I lean in. No. I stop myself. Maybe. Just maybe another day.

A Little Bit of Love -Boris Pavlikovsky Fiction.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon