Chapter 1- The Pain

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-Before you read: The grammar and skill writing in this story gets progressively better because I started writing it on a google doc a long time ago and still working on it but releasing different parts. so. IT GETS BETTER. but its somewhat decent.

-also there is no smut, i don't write it. 

-There also might be some letters that aren't capitalized or dont have punctuation because I write this during school so. :)

- Have fun reading!

TW: this story contains: Abuse, drinking and smoking.

MARCH 2ND 2002

Mukachevo, UA

I get up in the morning, 3 AM, to get ready for school. My dad is out again as always so I have to make my own breakfast. The bus doesn't come until 7:30 so I have time to do what I want. I sit down on our old couch and watch tv. I turn around and the clock says 7:25. 7:25 already! I get my coat on and leave and wait at the bus stop. People give me looks. I'm not very accepted in Ukraine. It's my dad's fault. The bus pulls up and we all get on. I sit down in my usual spot and look up to see a girl with dirty blonde hair walk onto the bus. Never seen her before. She sits in the front. When the bus pulls up to the school I hop off and go to my locker. "Hey Boris!" a voice shouts from down the hallway. I turn around "Fisher!" I say. He comes up to me. "So did you get the okay for me to go to your house?" He asked me. "Oh, Yeah. No need to ask. You can just come over. My dad is never home anyways." "Oh, okay just asking 'cause you know." "Yeah, I do, Anyways let's get to class before we're late." When we walk into the classroom the same girl I saw on the bus is sitting in the back of the room. I turn around and do a little wave at her and she waves back. 

"She waved at me." I say to myself.

It's 3 hours later and we have lunch. "Dude, the girl over there, where is she from?" Fisher asks me. "Class I forgot to introduce you to this sweet girl, Flora Taylor. She is an exchange student from America." She awkwardly stands there staring around the classroom. We all stand up and walk down to the cafeteria. "Did you see the way she looked at me?" Fisher yells. "Just because a girl looks at you in a way doesn't mean they actually like you." I say slapping him on the shoulder. "Well..." He says confusingly. "Mhm..I gave you a point." We walk around to get our lunch and I try to find Flora's table but I can't see anything. There are too many kids. "Hey, do you know where she went?" I ask Fisher. "No, I'm not a stalker." I gave him a look. We just sit down at our regular table in the corner of the cafeteria. When lunch is over we have art. Art. The weakest class. I hate art. We get to class and she's not there. Did I scare her off? It must of been with my Russian self. She probably just left.

It's the end of the school day and I get on the bus. Fisher doesn't take the bus. He says that only poor people take the bus. He's kinda a bitch. I got home and my dad's home this time. I walk past his fast to make sure he doesn't see me. "Boris." my dad says from the kitchen. I turn around. "Hand it over." He says with a hand held out to me. I put my bag on the ground and pulled out a beer bottle and put it in his hand. "Thank you." He stares at me while I walk to my room. I slam my door shut and throw my backpack onto the bed. "She's so out of my league." Right then and there I hear a glass bottle break from outside my door. I don't want to go out, but I should. When I walk outside my door there is glass shattered right in front of my door. I try to step over it but end up stepping on it. "Shi-'' I hear my dad get up from a chair and hear his footsteps coming towards my room. "I heard you." He says standing in front of me. "Sorry I just was trying to get wa-'' He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down into the glass. I feel the glass stab into my hands. "Stay in your room!" He says yelling at me. I crawl backwards into my room and he slams the door shut right in my face. I look at my glass filled hands and try to pull the glass out of it. "Ow-what the-'' About 10 minutes passed and I got all the glass out and managed to wrap my hands. I think about it and unlock my window, grab my bag and jump out. If my dad is going to treat me this way I'm leaving. I don't know where to go but I'll find somewhere. I sneak around the front of my house and run across the street down to the gas station. It is 9:47 at night, I have nowhere to sleep, no money, no food, nothing. I go into the gas station. This is where all good food is. There's not many people at the gas station so it makes it easier for me to steal food. I grab some candy and put it into my sleeve. Then I go into the bathroom and sneak out the window and set up a little area to sleep in in the back of the gas station. I think I fell asleep for about an hour and I woke up to voices coming from the woods in front of me. In the distance I see Flora and another boy running towards the gas station laughing with music playing from a speaker. "Do you want to get some pizza?" Flora says. The boy responds and they both walk onto the pavement. I see the boy look over at me. At first it looks like he's wearing sunglasses but he's wearing regular glasses. Kinda looks like Harry Potter. A couple minutes pass and I hear them come back from the gas station. They have a box of pizza and they are walking towards the woods. Flora stops the boy and tells him something and they start walking towards me. "Hi." She says standing over me. I look up. "Hello." I say. "Pizza?" She says and sits down in front of me along with the boy. "I'm Flora." "I know." I say "And who is this?" I say with my mouth full of pizza. "This is Theo, my cousin." I shake his hand. "Nice to meet you Potter." "That's not my name-" He says "I know. You look like Harry Potter, why not call yourself Potter." He looks at me in confusion. "Anyways, you want to come hang out with us?" she asks. "Sure, just hold on right back." I go into the gas station and grab a beer can and head out. They are waiting in the back. "Okay we're good." I open the can and Potter looks at me. "You want some?" I say handing him the can. He takes a sip and makes a face. "I don't-" I interrupt him "It's fine. Gotta try new things everyday right?" He nods. Flora starts playing music from her speaker again. "Follow me, I have something to show you." I follow Flora deeper into the woods. We stop and I look up and see a tree house. Potter pulls down a ladder and we climb up. I'm beginning to think me and Flora might be soulmates. We all talk for about 2 hours just to get to know each other. We all get tired and Flora is the first one to fall asleep. Then Potter, and then I was left awake. I scoot over to Flora and wrap my arms around her. She lifts her hand up and puts it on my hand and I fall asleep. The next morning I woke up to Potter clanking some pots together. "Lovebirds! Time to get up!" he says. I look up at him. "What the hell? What time is it?" "Time for you to get up." I sit up and shake Flora awake.

"Good Morning." I say and she sits up. "Theo, can you get me some soup?" Potter gets some soup for both of us and sits down. "What are we doing today?" I ask. "I'm going to go shopping, you guys can stay here." Flora says gathering her stuff. "Don't die." I say. She turns around and gives me a sarcastic look. "I won't." She laughs and climbs down the ladder. "So is there a thing between you two?" Potter asks. "No. There is not." "Then why did I-" "She was scared." "Oh-" "Yeah." Potter doesn't say anything after that except for when I almost fell off the treehouse and he caught me just in time. I accidentally fell onto him. The butterflies. Do I like him? "Thanks." I say. You're straight Boris, it was just a frightened butterfly. I say to myself. A couple hours pass and Flora comes back. I look at her. The butterflies from before. They're gone. "Boris, can you help me unpack the bags down below the treehouse? "I'll help." I climb down the ladder and she climbs down after me. "Just take those bags and bring them up." she says. I take the bags. "Boris." I turn around. She drops her bags, runs up and kisses me. It doesn't feel like a kiss that I've felt before. It felt bland. I didn't like her. I think I like Potter.

Hi Everyone! I hope you liked the first chapter. I know not the best but I'm still working on it let me know if I need to change anything!

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