Chapter 2-The Girl Who Changed Everything

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I give her a surprised look. " don't like me." I hesitate. "Uh-oh I never said that." "If you do then. Kiss me back." I drop my bags and kiss her. "There." I smile, grab my bags and climb up the ladder. What were you thinking Boris? You couldn't have just kissed her, you don't like her. "What was that all about?" Potter asks. "Nothing, she just asked me to help with the bags." "Mhm..I saw that." I look at him. "Ha- '' He gives me a confused look. I pull out a cigarette and sit down and chill. "So where are you from anyways." He asks. "Oh-Australia, Russia, Poland, Scotland, New Zealand, Texas, Alaska, New Guinea, Canada, Sudai Arabia, Sweden and now here. I'm probably going to move in a couple months knowing my dad." "Wow." I think about my dad, and the supplies I have, I don't have enough. I have to go back. "I have to leave." "Why?" He asks. "I just have to." I climbed down the ladder and ran past Flora and passed the gas station in my neighborhood. 

"Shit. My dad." 

I climb through my window. I just came here to grab a couple things then I'm out of here. I hear footsteps coming from the hallway. I look over and see the door creak open. I was hoping to see my dad walk in, but it wasn't, it was a woman, who looked to be in her early 30s. "Babe, why can't I stay in your room? I feel like I am invading your son's privacy." "It's okay he's dead. He won't care." 

Dead!? Did my dad tell her I was dead?! 

She looks around the room. "And you said he passed away a couple days ago?" "Yeah." "Okay, I'm going to get changed." Oh no what do I do she's going to get changed. I only have one option. Scare her. I rise up from the side of the bed. "Hi." I say. She turns around really quick. "Don't say anything please!" I tell her in a quiet whisper. She looks around super confused. "Are you-" "Yes. His son?" "Mhm. I thought you were d-" "Dead?" "Mhm. What are you doing here?" "The question is what are you doing here." I say grabbing clothes and putting them into my bag. "I'm your dad's girlfriend." I look at her. "Girlfriend?" I roll my eyes and zip up my bags. "Are you even allowed to take that?" She asks while I pick up a pack of cigarettes. "No, but I do it anyways." I hear my dad coming down the hallway. "Are you ready?" He asks, opening the door. I make eye contact with him. "Boris. What are you doing here." He walks up to me. "I thought I said dont come back." "You never say-'' He slaps me straight across the face. I hear the woman gasp. "Go." He says. I grab my bags and run past him out of the door. He slams it right behind me. I get up and start walking away. "Boris. Wait." I turn around and the woman is standing on the porch. "Follow me." She comes down from the porch and gets into the car. "Come on." I get into the car. "You wanted to run aways I'll help." "Thanks, I don't have anywhere to stay so you can just drop me off in the middle of the street." 

"Nu uh. You're coming to my house. In fact I have a son maybe around your age." She pulls out of the driveway and we go off to a place I have never been to before. We pull into a house in the back of the woods. "Okay we're here." I get out of the car and I follow the women into the house. "You can call me Mrs. Decker." She says as she goes to the kitchen. "Do you want food?" I nod. She brings me pancakes that she heated up in the microwave. "Weird how my son isn't here yet. He said we was going to be here in a half an-" "Mom we're back!" I turn around and see Potter and Flora standing in the doorway. "Boris? What are you doing here?" Flora asks and comes around the couch and sits down and hugs me. "You know them?" Mrs Decker asks. "Yeah, actually we hung out for a bit at thei-" "Our clubhouse." Potter interrupted me. "Oh-well that's cool." "I'll show you to our room." Flora grabs my hand and Potter follows. "Here's our room. You welcome to sleep in my bed or in Theos or on the floor I don't really care." "I guess I'll just sleep on the floor." I say setting my bag on the ground. "I'm going to get real food." I say and leave to go get food from the kitchen. When I get to the kitchen I see a tall, plump man making chicken. I open and look through the cabinets. "What are you looking for?" The man says. "Uhm, nothing, just food-' "Well the food is in the cabinet up there." He pointed to a cabinet right above me. "Thanks." I say. I open the cabinet and it's full of food. "Hey Potter! What do you want to eat?" I yell "Chex mix!" He yells back. I get two bowls of chex mix and walk back to the room. When I get there Potter is doing a mini fashion show in the mirror. He is tying his bow tie around his neck and posing in the mirror. I laugh. 

"What are you doing?" 

I say setting the chex mix on the dresser. "I'm striking a pose." He says with his hand on his hip. "Where is Flora?" I ask. "She's in the shower. She said she "Needed alone time." Too many boys I guess." I sit down on Potter's bed and Flora comes out with a towel wrapped around her. "Hey, Can you guys get out for a second so I can know how to change." I look her up and down and stare. "Boris?" She says. "Oh, uh yeah let me just go to the bathroom." I go to the bathroom and Potter walks out of the room. I wait in there and I hear the door click open. Flora walks in and shuts the door. I look up from the ground and stare straight at her. She still has her towel wrapped around her. She walks towards me and grabs my face and kisses me. I pushed her away. "What? You don't like me?" I look at her in panic. She kisses me again. I kiss her back. It's maybe 10 minutes later and we are against the wall and I hear a knock on the door. I ignore it. I hear the door click open and out of the corner of my eye I see Potter standing there. A tear rolls down his face. Flora stands away from me and starts unwrapping her towel. "Flora." She looks up. "Flora..." She turns around and looks Potter straight in the eye. "What-what are you guys doing.." He wipes his tears from his eyes. "Uh-I we were just talking." I say grabbing my sweater from the side of the bathtub. "No...I'm telling your mom Flora.." He says in disbelief and shuts the door. I put my sweater on and go out the door and sit on Potter's bed. Mrs. Decker and the rest of the family come in. I see her dad approach me. "Get your hands off my little girl you crusty ass street rat!-go back to your country." He holds his fist up and I flinch really hard ready for the hit. "Pat!-" I heard from a woman. Then he hits me and everything goes black.

I wake up from a soft womens voice. "Hey-hey Boris." I look up to see a plump woman shaking me. "What-where's Flora-" "She was put in her dad's room. We called your parents-" "What? How-where did you get my number?" "It was in your bag." I look down at it. 'Dang you airport'. The doorbell rings. I hear Mrs. Potter get the door and my dad's voice from the other room. "He is in here." She says, leading my dad in the room. I sit up quickly. "Why would you bring him here? You are going to send me back with him?" "I didn't bring him home. He said you can stay the night, he's just here to check on you." She says and shuts the door leaving me and him alone. "Father." I say scooting back slowly. He stares at me for a good couple minutes not saying a word. Turns around and walks away. He looked disappointed. What do I have to do to please him? What is wrong with me?

It's about 20 minutes later and I sit here in silence. Potter comes into the room. "Hey." He says and sits down next to me. I lay my head on his lap. I feel myself start crying. I just let the pain out-I cry. I have never cried like this before. Potter strokes my hair. I fell asleep on his lap. The butterflies. They are still there.

A Little Bit of Love -Boris Pavlikovsky Fiction.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora