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"Shehnaaz you okay?"Raavi and Mayank asked her after the class knowing how sensitive Shehnaaz is and how does she takes the thinks very seriously and Rehaan was also looking at her cocernedly and was blaming himself as they were late because of him only.

"It's okay Shehnaaz , it's not a big deal right?"This time Mayank said and patted her back
Shehnaaz just nodded her head and before they could say further their professor came and started teaching and then there were back to back lectures, they didn't get the time to talk to Shehnaaz whole day till 2:00pm when they got a little free time for themselves but shehnaaz was zoned out the whole time....she couldn't take it , she wanted to cry but not in class in front of everyone. This was her weakness that she is a little more sensitive and can't take anyone's rudeness . She herself is a very sweet and pure soul, she is confident and brave but her sensitivity overpowers her many a times of which her family and friends are well aware of and always tries that she never gets hurt because of them but here he(Sidharth) didn't know , he was just behaving as a professor to his student and scolded them as any teacher would do on coming late to the class.

"Ohh god, i am too tired today, let's go to the cafeteria to have something then we have to go to the library too"Raavi said

"First let's go to the library guys,because after sometime Librarian will go on his break and we do not have any free lecture afterwards"Rehaan said

" are also right"Raavi said

"Let's go".........Shehnaaz you are coming"Raavi asked very calmly

Shehnaaz nodded and went with them , In the whole way Shehnaaz was still quiet and was just answering in yes or no to their answers which was scaring his friends more. They reached outside the library and were about to enter when Rehaan said "wait guys...let's talk first, It's not good for her to be like this"

"Mhhmmmm, right...but first tell me is everything sorted between you two?"Raavi asked glaring Rehaan

"Yes, we are okay ...actually good"Rehaan said

"Shehnaaz look at are okay?"Mayank asked but she didn't said anything

"Don't take stress sweetheart on this little know Raavi's whole college and school life has been passed with teacher's scolding and look still she has no any shame"Mayank said while Raavi glared him

"What...? your anger for some other time"Mayank said to Raavi while eyeing Shehnaaz and she understood immidiately

"Yessss, and  don't you know how idiot is this Mayank...teachers' always kicks him out of the class without any reason still he laughs at himself without any shame"Raavi said again to make shehnaaz laugh still not leaving any chance to tease Mayank  even in that serious situation and Rehaan and Mayank shaked their heads

But when she didn't utter a word , Rehaan cupped her face in his hands and made her look at him and said"Look  Shehnaaz.....It's okay don't need to get stressed over this need to understand , it was just a normal was not you alone, i was also there...he was scolding me too because we were late and not only me and you ...actually everyone who has come were not in the class yesterday but he warned everyone to come to class in time.....and actually we were lucky that he allowed us in the class....don't you know no teacher allows late entry in the it's okay....right?"

Shehnaaz looked at Rehaan , listend to him with the quivering lips and at the end started sobbing in his arms and Rehaan  hugged her tight and then when her sobs raised some more he started patting her back...."he..he hates me"Shehnaaz said in between her sobs

A DESTINY'S CALL💙💙❤❣Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ