Chapter 3: Hoenn

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Gold: Hey @Red you there?

Red: Yup

Gold: Are you planning on adding mire Holders

Red: Haha mire

Gold: Just answer the question

Red: Yeah, although I am not sure how many I would be able to add

Red: I could add the Holders from Hoenn tho

Crystal: You should add them

Gold: Yes you should add them

Red: Ok then

Red has added Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald

Ruby: What is this?

Blue: A group chat dummie

Sapphire: Yuaah ebven I now wat a grup shat is, unles yu alsou forgut wat dat is aswell

Sapphire: Don wory I understand how hacing amnesia can be dificult for yu

Ruby: I already told you I am sorry about that

Emerald: Sapph I am having a stroke just by reading your messages

Sapphire: Sory I am kot used tl tuos thinf

Crystal: You will get used to it, I hope

Crystal: I really hope you do

Crystal: Like I really hope you do

Emerald: Same here

Emerald: Also hi Crystal

Crystal: Hello

Gold: HI HI HI


Ruby: Gold your existense is hard to forget, no matter how hard we could try it would be hard to forget you

Gold: Was that a compliment or an insult

Ruby: Kinda both

Silver: But hey don't worry Gold people seem to adore you despite your many many mistakes

Crystal: We love you despite being a idiot sometimes

Emerald: You can be stupid sometimes but you are one of my favorite people

Yellow: You can be a little bit... unique sometimes 0~0 but you are great either way ^○^

Red: I can't find a clever way to insult and show you love at the same time because I am stupid aswell, but you are great

Green: You accidently called him stupid

Blue: Haha he did

Red: Oh-

Gold: I never felt so Insulted and loved at the same time

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