putting things into perspective

Start from the beginning

That's what Armin is  there for. If push comes to shove, he'll have to mediate between the  brothers. Again. Just thinking about it has him having flashbacks from  before Mikasa moved out in favour of sharing an place with Annie, when  the three of them still lived together, Walls.

Walls? Huh, that's  weird. Armin's never heard of that expression before. It sounds... right  though. Oh well, maybe he saw it on a videogame of something.

They  all agree to meet at a cafe near their campus at around six, since Levi  has to work. Eren is practically vibrating on his seat during all his  classes, or at least the ones they share, texting back and forth with  whom Armin can only guess is Levi, if the happy grin in Eren's face is  anything to go by.

When they arrive (Armin is on the lookout for  Murderous Mikasa, but so far things look good), there's a man sitting by  the window corner, and Eren immediately does a beeline for him. As if  the man could sense him, he turns around as Eren reaches the table,  Armin and Mikasa trailing behind, and opens his arms just in time for  Eren to crush the man in a hug.

Huh. Eren has always liked  physical contact, but Armin's has never seen him like this. He's  shamelessly crushing the daylights out of this man, not that Levi seems  to mind or anything, and he's nudging his nose against Levi's neck.

Unexpected,  though Armin really shouldn't, given the amount of things he has heard  about Levi from Eren in the span of two weeks.

Eren hastily introduces them, though it sounds more like he's introducing Levi to them,  as if the man already knew them, and they all sit down. Mikasa huffs in  displeasure when she sees Eren sitting next to Levi, but a warning  glance from Armin has her back down. For now, at least, there's nothing  that can really deter Mikasa is she's determined.

A waiter takes  their orders, and Armin takes note on how Levi seems to know Eren's  order by heart, not even hesitating before ordering him a double-shot  latte with extra cream. Does that mean he knows about Eren's insomnia  too? They haven't spent the night together, as far as Armin knows - and  he should know, they live together after all - but looking at them, he's  not so sure anymore.

It really feels like they've been together  forever, seeing how comfortable they look around each other. They fit,  Armin realises as he looks closely at them. Despite being shorter, Levi  loops an arm around Eren's seat, and Eren rests his head on Levi's for a  moment, before the other man shoes him away, earning him a light  chuckle from his friend.

Mikasa clears her throat, none too  subtle, breaking the moment. Armin almost feels bad for them, they  looked really cute together and Levi really doesn't deserve Mikasa's  wrath - no one does, but especially not Levi, if he makes Eren happy -  but the way Levi's face twists in practiced annoyance, like he was  already expecting it, makes him hesitate.

"So. What are your  intentions with my brother?" Mikasa, for all her talents, has never been  known for her subtleness, and it shows. Armin sighs, but in all  honestly, he had been expecting it. He's surprised she hasn't done  anything else, actually.

"Mikasa!" Eren groans, trowing his head  back in exasperation. Levi doesn't seem phased, but with how things have  been going, Armin is less and less surprised. It seems like the man  really does knows them well, or at least Eren has warned him enough  about Mikasa's protectiveness.

Though, in all fairness, Armin  doesn't think nothing could ever prepare someone for Mikasa's  protectiveness when it comes to Eren.

"What? I have to make sure  he's not gaslighting you or something," unapologetic as always, it  seems. Well, she's not wrong. Even if he wouldn't use the word  gaslighting, Armin still thinks is kind of strange.

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