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Tuesday, June 3rd, quarter past eleven.
Having slept too little because of the excitement that was gnawing at my neurons, I struggled to get out of the warm comforter, praying to catch up on my sleep on the plane.

Our flight is at twenty two hours, we must be at twenty o'clock in the airport but knowing Wooyoung we will be there at the last minute.

I would hope that his suitcase is closed since last night.

Yes, I dare to hope.

I pick up the phone after glancing at my screen.

- Woo?
- Seong it's misery I just screwed up my external battery!
- How did you do again? I sighed.
- I sat on it.
- That'll teach you to eat for ten.
- I need calories.
- Energy would be a more appropriate term.
- It's the same thing.
- With a few nuances, yes.
- Anyway, do you think you could pick me up one at the grocery store right down the street from you please my best friend that I love and-
- Yes, I got it.
- I love it!
- Wooyoung stop it!
He laughs.
- I like to mess with you.
- Mm.
- Well, we meet at the airport kiss.


- That will be 10,000.

I grabbed my pocket full of items before rushing to my apartment.

Eight-thirty is the last straw, I'm late.

You are probably wondering why.

Well, I simply spent the afternoon FaceTime with Hongjoong, who was overwhelmed by boredom. Not having slept, I did not refrain from dozing off in the middle of the discussion and when I woke up two hours later, it was surprisingly Wooyoung who had tried to reach me.

"I'm gone, I'm waiting for you outside entrance 3!"

It was nineteen forty-five...



I was startled when I saw a Wooyoung rolling up his sleeves and coming towards me.

- You! You're an hour late !

- Ouch! Stop it! I-I am your hyun-

- There's no hyung that holds," he says, rubbing his fist on my hair.

- I'll tell you that I'm finally going to meet San and you-

- Yes, well, I'm also going to meet Hongjoong," I said, blushing.

He let a sneer form on his lips as we moved inside.

- I am very anxious to see his reaction.

- Are you trying to put more pressure on me?

- Me?" he asks innocently, "never.

I sigh as I pull out my passport.

- Perfect, you can go to the boarding room, indicated the hostess.

During the way my glance lodged on the large bay windows where the reflecting lights of the planes were distinguished as clearly as the stars. Then, finally sat down I fixed for a long time this night ebony, a light niais smile.

Who would have thought that Park Seonghwa would get caught up in a dubious network.

But more importantly, who would have bet that he would have fallen in love with the first person on his list of demands?

- Seong? Shall we go?

I raise my head to Wooyoung.

- Here we go.


Hardly the feet put on the South ground that my friend sees himself taken of a sudden rise feelings dancing the salsa in the hollow of his guts.

- Seonghwa I can't believe I'm in the same city as him!

The step weary, I leave in the direction of the conveyor belt, where the luggage of the travelers wait madly.

- Yah! That's mine!

I watch him rush in and then pick up mine as well before sighing:

- Wooyoung lets go of my arm.

- I-

- I'm tired woo.

- I am afraid.

I stop while planting my glance, through which all the thoughts that my oral cavity does not deign to leave, pass.

- One more word and I promise you that-

- Seonghwa...


- Pee.


- Where is he waiting for us?

- At exit 6.

- Is it this one? I pointed to our right.

- Yes.

It has become silent, too silent.

In spite of my mood overwhelmed by a long journey, I calmly sympathize with him the apprehension of meeting San.
After all, in less than twenty-four hours, it will be my turn.

A last smile in his direction before heading towards the automatic doors, rocked by the rolling of the wheels of our suitcases.

The air whips pleasantly our faces, of the corner of the eye I perceive the features of the brown to slacken.

Then in the same second, Wooyoung ran and his name split the air.

- San !

All the stuff on the floor, just the two lovers who were holding each other tightly, trying to convince themselves that nothing was a dream, even if this dream had been thought about for a long time.

Wooyoung had wrapped his legs around the brown man's waist, while with his free hand, San was affectionately stroking his paddling hair.

For a good ten minutes I stood there, motionless, watching their couple travel through emotions.

What if everything goes wrong tomorrow?

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