Chapter Ten

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Limping my way down the road proves effective because it isn't much longer until I reach my horse. Which much to my relief, remains exactly as I tied her up when I left.

It takes nearly all of my strength to get myself onto Neptunes back after untying her, but once I'm on and off of my leg I feel so much better. I take a moment to relish in the quiet on horseback before signaling for Neptune to go. She must sense my exhaustion and urgency because she doesn't need to be told to bring herself to a full gallup.

The two of us charge down the road, the dirt kicking up from each of neptune's heavy footsteps. It doesn't take long for the castle walls to begin to come into view.

I slow Neptune down to a canter as we pass through the gate to the castle.

Once we are at the base of the grand entry staircase I hop down from Neptune and hand her off to the closest serving hand that is quick to be by my side.

Wincing with every step, I make my way up the steps into the castle. When I go to step through the door the handful of guards in front of the door quickly block my path.

"What is the meaning of this?" I question. Two of the guards have now started restraining me and holding me to prevent me from leaving them.

"By direct order of the king you, Prince Louis, are to be imprisoned on charges of treason." One of them declares.

"Treason? What? I don't understand? Let me go, I must speak to my father."

"We have a strict order sire, sorry." Another one says.

The entire group begins urging me forward. Instead of putting up a fight I oblige, resentfully, letting them lead me into the dungeons.

There only is one empty cell, it was the same one had I found Niall in. I didn't see him when passing all of the other cells, but I don't think too much of it. Wherever he is, he's probably fine. Wherever he is, I'm sure he's fine, they probably just moved him to a different cell or something. The guards shove me into the cell, trying to be gentle because despite their orders, they know who they are dealing with.

Frustrated, I sit down on the floor of the cell after the guards close the bars. I knew my father would be upset, but locking me in a cell is uncalled for. Once the guards send word to my father of my return it isn't long until he comes to see me himself.

"Louis." Is all he says at first. It is more of just a statement, an almost demand. "You betrayed me! What the hell were you thinking!" Here began the shouting.

"Of course I betrayed you! Unlike you I was thinking about someone other than myself!" The insult came easy, seeing as it's true in my eyes.

"Why do you even care some much? The boy is just a servant, he's disposable and replaceable."

"It's more than that father, he knew what was going to happen if he drank from that goblet. He knew it was going to kill him, we all did, including you and me. And yet, he did it anyway to save me." I pause, staring intently at my father. "I couldn't just pretend his actions meant nothing to me father."

I stop talking, watching my fathers face contort with confusion and I think I can sense a hint of sympathy. It is only a quick flash though, because it is gone as quickly as it came. I reach into my pocket and pull out the flower holding it up for my father to see.

"Take this, Zayn knows what to do with it." I state. "It's crumpled but it hopefully should still work." I step closer to him holding the flower up closer to him. "I don't care what you do with me, punish me however you see fit. Just make sure this gets to Zayn. I'm begging you."

My father takes the flower from my hand and studies it quietly for a moment. He looks back up to my face and crumples to flower into his hand, making it unrecognizable.

"No." I gasp.

"You must learn that there is a right way, and a wrong way of doing things. I'll see that you are let out in a few days. Then you can find yourself a new servant." He turns away from the bars and drops the flower onto the floor, before walking away and leaving me alone in the cell. Immediately, I run to the bars and fall to my knees. I reach my arm through the bar and try to reach what remains of the flower, but to my dismay the plant is just out of my reach.


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