Chapter Five

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A/N: Hello! Just wanted to give anyone who's reading this a super quick update! First: Thank you! Second: Things have been super crazy for me right now, but I'm still excited about this story. I mostly have a draft written for the rest of the fic, so it mostly just editing and putting in some finishing touches. 

Anyway enough of that. Here's a double update for y'all. Enjoy :).



"Stay with him! Come get me if anything changes!" I called to Zayn and Liam while running past them.

While running through the the hall I couldn't help but notice that the castle was eerily quiet, considering I assumed the kingdom would be on the brink of war by now.

My first stop was the banquet hall. Which was empty aside from some staff quietly picking up from the chaos which had occurred. A handful of the staff took note to me standing in the doorway, but almost seemed afraid to look at me.

I picked up a glass which had been knocked onto the floor at some point, and I studied it absent-mindedly before approaching the nearest staff and handing it to them.

"Have you seen my father anywhere?" I asked.

"No sire, last I heard he was escorting the Mercian king to the dungeons."

I wonder if that's where Niall is too or if he ran away before anything happened? I wouldn't blame him if he ran.

I hate walking to the dungeons, the long winding staircase felt just short of the entryway to hell. The looks alone made it awful but to really top it off, it always smelled horrible and there was always someone crying or wailing out to be freed.

Today was no exception. The dungeon was packed with people ranging of all ages. My father must've just imprisoned anyone associated with Mercia within the walls of Camelot, regardless of if they knew what was going to happen or not. Several guards stood in front of the rows of cells, but stepped aside when they saw it was me approaching.

I made my way down the hall full of cells peering into each one. Looking In most of them I was met with sad, unfamiliar eyes. One of the first cells contained the Mercian King who angrily eyed me wordlessly as I passed.

I started losing hope as I approached the last few cells.

The last cell which was clouded with darkness, since a small window behind me was the only source of light. I could only make out a figure in the far corner.

"Niall?" I whispered, not expecting a response.

"Louis? You're alive?" Niall's voice replied, as he stood up and rushed to the bars.

Now that Niall was closer and illuminated a bit I could make out a few dark bruises on his left cheek.

"Nobody would tell me if you were alive... nobody would tell me if my father succeeded..." Niall rambled.

I felt anger rise into my chest.

"You knew about this the whole time didn't you!? That's why you were asking me those questions? You weren't just being friendly, you knew the plan the whole time!" I shouted letting my anger through.

"I did Louis. I'm so sorry." He said, sounding sincere. "I didn't know what to do Louis... I didn't want this... I just didn't know how to stop him... please forgive me, I'm begging you." Niall pleaded. "My father wouldn't listen to me, please tell me you understand."

My first instinct was to yell at him again, and tell him I would've done differently than him, but I stopped myself knowing my father wouldn't listen to me either.

Poison (Larry Stylinson AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat