Chapter One

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"Harry! If I find you asleep in there I swear to God I'll have you hanged for treason!"

My eyes snap open. Oh God. I am in such deep shit.

Today is one of the biggest days in Camelot's history and I've already pissed off the prince, wonderful.

I leap out of bed, throwing my blankets onto the floor. I am barefoot and still in my pajamas, but I still attempt to flatten my hair to make myself look the slightest bit presentable. It was pretty obvious I had just woken up from the curls flying in every direction, but I thought I'd try anyways.

Suddenly, the door slammed open to a fuming Prince Louis. Seeing his face flush with anger caused my stomach to drop.

"You're late." He growled through his teeth. "you are in fact so late that the royal family from Mercia will be here any moment! And I'll still be standing around in my night clothes!" I can't bring myself to say anything back to him, knowing it'll only result in more shouts from the Prince. He looked me quickly head to toe, no doubt noticing I had just opened my eyes for the first time that morning. "Please for the sake of the kingdom get your ass together and come get me ready." He practically begged.

"Yes sire... I'll be right there." I say quickly, clearing my throat to hopefully clear the sleepy crackle and guilt out of my voice.

Louis spun around on his heels and stormed back down the hallway, slamming the door behind him.

"It's on days like today you're lucky we have a shortage of capable servants in this kingdom!" I could hear Louis call down the hallway behind him.

I bit my tongue to keep myself from laughing.

That has got to be the biggest lie I have ever heard.

I've been working for Louis for about 4 years now and honestly I don't know why he keeps me around. I'm late more than I'd like to admit, I'm so terribly clumsy and I'm an emotional mess most of the time- even around Louis (which any other royal servant would scold me for. They all find it unprofessional.) I really don't try to be, but it feels natural since Louis was one of the first people my age, besides Liam, I talked to after my parents were killed and I moved here.

Quickly, I began throwing off my night clothes and mindlessly tossing them onto the floor. I swing open the door of the wardrobe in my room and grab the first shirt and pants I see. Most of my wardrobe is, regretfully, pretty bland thanks to the castle staff uniform, but it makes it easy for days like today to just grab an outfit and go.

I put a scarf in my hair just to keep it out of my eyes, and took to sprinting down the castle corridors to louis' chamber.

"Late again harry?" My dear friend Liam calls as I sprint past him.

"Better late than never!" I call back. I feel a smile spread on my face as I hear Liam let out a loud cackle that I could hear over my pounding footsteps.

When I finally reached Louis's chamber, I found that the door was slightly propped open. Meaning Louis was no doubt at a loss for patience. Cautiously, I push the door open and walk into the room. Louis is standing quietly looking out the tall window in his room, contrary from what I expected to find when I entered. I couldn't help but notice that he looked tense and deep in thought.

"Louis?" I say softly, trying not to startle him. He pulled himself out of his daze and spun around to meet my eyes.

"About the bloody time you showed up." The harshness to his voice returned, making me flinch a bit and flooding me with guilt.

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