Cₕₐₚₜₑᵣ ₄ : ₘₒₙₜₕₛ ₕₐᵥₑ ₚₐₛₛₑd...

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September 23rd, 2021

It's been months since the break-up.

I had blocked tommy on all social media platforms.

Except for youtube cause I don't even know how to block someone on there.

I've been calling Ranboo since Tommy and I broke up. He's been there to comfort me whenever I needed it.

Wilbur has said that Tommy wanted to talk to me, but I told Wilbur that I didn't want to talk to him.

Wilbur, being the great brother that he is, made up excuses whenever Tommy had asked him if he could speak to James.

He would say things like "He's not home at the moment." or "He doesn't want to come here cause he says it's 'too far a walk'" and things like that.

In the other side of the country, in Nottingham, UK, it was a different story.

Tommy regret his decision. He thought he would be fine. It was just puppy love after all.

But nothing was able to fill the void in his heart.

He regret breaking up with James.

He felt alone.

Whenever he wasn't doing anything, he would always be on call with James.

He would facetime James whenever he was bored.

He would feel warmth whenever James had touch him. Even if it was just a light brush of his fingertips.

But now, a cold feeling had replaced it.

James had blocked his number, making it harder for the blonde to contact him.

James had blocked Tommy on every social media platform that he could.

He was heartbroken.

He knew James would be sad about the break-up, but he never imagined it to go this far.

He thought they could still be friends! They could still talk to each other!

But the world was not as bright and fun as it seemed.

God he felt dumb.

He not only felt dumb, but he was dumb.

He let a stupid act get in the way of a perfeclty good relationship.

There was no reason for them to break-up.

But they did.

And he regret that decision on the following weeks.

Whenever he would ask Wilbur if he could talk to James, Wilbur would tell him that James already had plans.

He seems fine.

Probably doing better than Tommy was doing.

But that was a one-sided thought.

Whenever James gets reminded of Tommy, he would die inside.

He wouldn't let it out, but he would silently judge himself, making himself cry.

But no tears came out.

He knew he could've done better.

They both knew that they could've improved.

But they never got the chance.

And now they have to deal with it.

Cause that's the world, right?

That's what the world wants for everyone.

To live in hell and just deal with it.

Back in brighton, James Gold had been in his room for weeks. This wasn't such a surprise to Wilbur. He knew what had happened 8 years ago.

9 years ago, November 10th , 2011

James' 7th birthday.

He would throw a huge party at his school. His parents would bring cake in the cafeteria. They would all celebrate.

But Jessica had other plans.

When it was time to blow out the candles, James had bowed down.

He blew his candle.

But then Jessica had went closer to James.

She put her hand on the back of his head.

And she smushed his head onto the cake.

He got the name "Cake face" from then on.

It was stupid, especially for a child's 7th birthday, but it changed James.

He stopped talking to anyone, his friends didn't want to be bullied so they stayed away.

All James had was his brother Wilbur.

His parents, although very loving and supportive, weren't there all the time.

I mean, he was dropped off at school. All he had after school was Wilbur.

And Wilbur was always there for him.

Back to the present.

James had learnt how to "silent cry"

That would be when you cry, but only visible tears would happen.

Small sobs, sure, but anything else, dead silent.

He didn't want to worry Wilbur.

Wilbur had done enough to protect him.

So he picked up on this skill so that he wouldn't need Wilbur all the time.

He never wanted to hurt anyone.

So he just dealt with everything thrown at him.

He would be thrown things and he would just have to put them in the right place.

Whether it be a waste of time, he would do it to see other people's happiness.

But he never got his happiness.

And whenever he did.

It didn't work out.

FᵤₙₙY Gᵢᵣₗ ₋ ₜₒₘₘyᵢₙₙᵢₜ ₓ ₘₐₗₑ! ₒC ₍ₐₙd ₐ bᵢₜ ₒf ᵣₐₙbₒₒ₎ !⚠DISCONTINUED⚠!Where stories live. Discover now