Chapter Two - Ripped Away

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I return home surprising my father, he stand up to look at me with questioning eyes.

"No news yet, I retired feeling sick. I'm going to sleep it off." I take my self pairs and to my room. I undress and climb into bed falling into a deep slumber.

The I wake up the next morning I put on pants and a shirt. my usual attire if I'm not leaving the grounds of my home. Papa did question it at first but seen as I made it easier for me to work he let the matter go. I jogged downstairs.

"D'Artagnan." I smile softly "Good morning Papa." I kiss his cheek then grabbed some food sitting at the table.

"Do you feel better my sweet?" He questioned stroking my hair back

"Yes Papa."

"She returned home from the palace restored all flustered and unwell, I have not seen her sleep so long since she was a babe. You were saying." before D'Artangan could say anything else the door opened and closed. I saw my brother enter.

"Ah. Out celebrating all night! Raoul look who's come to visit." Papa rose from his seat. But i noticed the look on my brother face. I stood and went over to hug him which he returned burying his face in my neck for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Papa questioned. Raoul  looked up then broke away from me

"I cannot make her a widow, just as was to make her a wife." he handed over mother ring back to father. I've been recalled back to my regiment." he told us sorrowfully. I was confused as to why, he had done his duty and was lucky to survive.

"But that make no sense. You've already served at the front. has there been some disaster?" papa inquired. Raoul glanced away and I looked toward D'Artagnan

"Has everyone else been recalled?" I question fearing I knew the answer

"I believe the Kings eye has fallen on Christine."  he informed us

"I believe that not to be true, I believe that Belle has stirred his gaze. But it has nothing to do..." Papa cut his friend off

"It has everything to do with it. The King is a dog, unfortunate for him he met his match in Belle and his eye has turned to someone else" Papa was mad.

"Athos." D'Artangan shook his head

"A dog and a coward." Papa added

"But I am nether. And so I go." Raoul headed upstairs and I followed him into his room as he sits on the bed

"You must refuse, you cannot go, you have served the King, you have done your duty to him and your country. This was not what you promised me, brother." I start to cry

"What can I do. He is my King and both you and Christine have entranced him. That is why he has had me recalled..."

"But neither of us would betray you so... we love you." he stood up and wrapped his arms around me

"I know, but I also know this." he pulled away "You are the strongest of us both, it is my belief that he will call upon you both and Christine will accept because she is kind and nieve. You will not because you are stubborn and knowledge about the King. But that is in thanks to our father who has prepared the both of us for the ways of the world we find ourselves in. Promise me that you will not blame her, for what she will do. Please sister." I nodded tearfully

"I promise."


I was awaken by banging at the door, I was a light sleeper, so I opened my eyes and saw that it was dark still. I came down the stairs and opened the door. I took the scroll and opened itI read the words and screamed.

"Belle, Belle, what is the matter?" he asked me holding my sobbing form

"Papa, I hate him, I hate the King and what he's doing to my brother just to get closer to us. He has killed him Papa. Raoul is dead, he's dead. my brother is dead." he took the letter from my clutch and red over it. he held me tighter.

"Come, come my daughter." he lifted me up and took me back upstairs, to my room "Stay here, do not leave the house until I come back. You promise me?"

"I promise, where are you going Papa?" he shushed me and laid me down.

"Rest your eyes my precious jewel, rest them." I closed my eyes as he stroked my hair making me fall back asleep.

When I awoke the next morning he was gone. I stared out of the window, waiting for my fathers return. That afternoon I saw him return and I ran out.

"Papa! Papa! Where were you? I was so worried, I cannot lose you too. Please don't make me." I embraced him

"You won't but you are coming with me, now that your brother is gone, the King might call upon you. I will not let that happen." I nodded and ran upstairs, I backed a few things and grabbed my cloak. Then ran back downstairs.

"Aramis has asked to meet tonight, You will stay with me, I will not lose another child to the boy King."

"Yes, Papa. I promise." He mounted his horse and then pulled me up so I sat behind him. We rode away from our home and back into the city.

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