Time To Reflect

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Maverick stopped moving, he was digested a few hours ago. Tired as hell, Ellie couldn't move because of all the effort she made to save her boyfriend or whatever they were. There was a moment where she stopped moving trying to save him and she just wished that it would finish as soon as possible. And her wish came true.

She remembered all the people who passed on the other side of the glass, looking at the "crazy girl" who was begging for help and no one believed her. They didn't know the situation, although she put all her hopes into them and they have just ignored her, somones even laughed at her, without caring for her. If she could kill them all, make them suffer while she shows indifferent, just like they did with her! If there were a way to get all their adresses, to find them and torture them to death. Why couldn't they just ask for help? She was not an actress and she deserved to be saved! Oh yes, she couldn't avoid imagining watching all these people die in front of her. Some of them would burn, other ones would cut in very little pieces and the other ones would die because of punches.

"Bring Maverick back, please!"

Now she was watching another group watching her. They didn't see the "crazy girl", no. They saw something different, a girl with no feelings and no more innocence anymore. She wasn't crying; there were no more tears, and she wasn't even moving; she couldn't. Instead she was worrying because she was feeling something she never heard before. Something that as much as she was tired, she couldn't find a word to describe. Why was she feeling just 90% bad? She knew that now she should feel like a monster, the most unlucky girl on earth right now, but there was something that avoided that.


Was that? No, impossible. She just killed her friend, her little friend, a little undefense friend. She had the control over him. It was that? She felt better than she thought because she had the control? There had to be something more. Milles died because he was a fool and he probably deserved it. Prioritizing his friend's life before his? Fool! That's called "natural selection", and Milles wasn't selected to continued in this life. Instead he gave life to another girl who had been smarter than him. To eat or to be eaten. She had it!

It was not about having control, but surviving. Maverick hadn't the chance to survive and yet he had disappeared. Yes, she wished to have eaten Milles before Maverick, for sure. What kind of psychopath could have done this? Maverick didn't deserve to die, and someone had to pay for that! She would like to kill the executioner, the zombie girls, Mayka, the whole park and the whole world!

To her surprise she still had one tear ready to get out. She felt like Maverick was part of that tear, just like the rest of her. She had Maverick distributed all over her body, so she felt like they would be together forever. Did they merge?

"So boring, this girl doesn't do anything, let's continue!" said one guy of the group "Yes, let's see if the next room is more interesting...."

Now Ellie had a purpose, but first she had to get out of there. Would someone let her free or would she be eating people through a tube for the rest of her life?

Suddenly the glass was covered by a blind and she felt alone in the room. Was it the last show for today? What would be next?

A door behind her was opened.

She knew who was entering. Frightened, her skin prickled when she heard her voice.

- Hello, Ellie - said Mayka -. Let's talk.

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