A Decision

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After almost 30 minutes waiting, they knew no one would open the door. They turned to knock it, to kick it or punch it in vain while one was waiting in the hole, but they didn't even know if it was the door or just simple walls.

- Milles has to be worried about us - said Maverick

- I think I'm calmed now

- What do you mean?

- I mean I'm not as paranoid as I was

- Do you think you...

- Let's be realistic, no one is gonna open the door. I just wanna leave this house and we hadn't even begun.

- Sure, that's the best we can do. Won't you be afraid of the scares? The monsters, I mean...

- They are not real, they can't hurt us

- Let's get down the hole then.

Maverick entered first and disappeared, just like Milles. Ellie took a deep breath and jumped inside. She wanted to fall with him holding his hand.

"They are not real, they can't hurt us" she thought.

She disappeared down the hole sliding down when the door opened again.

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