"Baby. How much longer are you just going to cling on me like a koala? I have been dying to kiss you y'know?" I ask and she giggles softly in my neck. "I just missed you a lot." She says and I smile. "I did too, baby. I missed you so much." I say and kiss her hair.

This was probably one of the longests times we were away from each other.

She finally pulls away and shows me her gorgeous face that is wet due to her 'happy crying'. She unwraps her arms from around me and wipes her tears. "Happy anniversary. I love you." She whispers and leans down kissing me.

I kiss her back eagerly, missing her lips on mine for three weeks. Three fucking long weeks. I am never staying away from my family again, I don't fucking care, we will manage school and all that somehow but there is no way I am staying away from my family for almost a month.

We pull away breathless and I chuckle. "You gotta get down from me. I am pretty sure I am going to drop you with all the gifts in my hands." I say and she smiles slightly and I place her down softly.

I get down on one knee and bring the flowers and the bag in front of us. Amelia laughs at me and shakes her head. I always get down on one knee and give her flowers or gifts. It seems to make her really happy and even flustered so I always do it.

She takes the flowers from my hands and sniffs them. "Thank you." She says. She is about to take the bag but I stop her. "Wait." I say and rummage through the bag before taking out a small square box.

I place the bag next to me and open the square box revealing a gold plain ring with a heart in between.

She smiles at the ring and I grin

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She smiles at the ring and I grin. "Marry me? Again?" I ask and she lets out the world's most beautiful giggle. "Always." She says and I smile at her before taking the ring out of the box and slide the ring on her middle finger since both her ring fingers are occupied.

I hand her the bag before kissing her hand and then getting up. "What's in this?" She asks, looking through it. "Your favourite lipstick, a gift card to your favorite store and a framed picture of all of us." I say and she smiles. "Thank you." She says.

"Wait here. I have something for you too." She says before rushing out the room. I hear a loud noise from behind me and I turn back and look at the twins who have made a mess of my bags by removing practically everything out of it and throwing all my clothes on the floor.

"Daddy, there are no chocolates." Ryder pouts and I chuckle and kneel down, opening the front zipper of my bag and taking out a big box of chocolates and a huge bag of gummies.

"Yay!" They say happily just as I hear Amelia walks back in holding a big clear jar which has colorful post its that are folded in small chits.

She walks up to me and smiles, "Okay, I know this sounds very cringy but in this jar there are 100 reasons why I love you and I hand wrote them myself," she mumbles shyly and I smile.

I take the jar from her and kiss her forehead before unscrewing the lid and taking out a pink post it. I tuck the jar under my arm as I unfold the paper in my hand and read it.

I love you because of how much you support me.

I smile to myself before reading a few more.

I love you because of your smile.

I love you because of how much you love me and our kids.

I love you because of the way you look at me.

I love you because of how you take care of our kids and are the best dad they could ask for.

I love you because of the way you make me feel around you.

I love you because of how determined you are.

I love you because you know me better than myself.

I love you because around you I can be myself.

I love you because of the never ending sparks we have.

And so on. The huge smile remains on my face as I go through the rest reading all the different reasons she loves me.

"I love this," I say as I finally look at Amelia. I close the jar and place it down on the coffee table and pull Amelia to me before giving her a long kiss causing the kids to whine and mumble 'yuck'.

We pull away with a chuckle and I kiss her forehead. She leans closer, her lips brushing against my ears and I shiver slightly at the feeling. "I have another gift for you... but you will get that tonight," she whispers huskily and my eyes go wide as I tighten my hold around her.

"B-But the twins," I stutter and she smiles as she pulls away. "They are staying with their friend Darren tonight for a sleepover," she says and my eyes widen as I gulp.

"I can't fucking wait for tonight," I mumble and she smiles and kisses my cheek before walking away.

The rest of the day we spend with the twins, playing with them and I help them in homework too and after dinner Darren's father picks up both the boys.

And well... my gift ended up on our bedroom floor torn into pieces.


Well, hope y'all liked it. I wanted to make one that was sweet and short and I came up with this :)

Anyway, the next three bonus chapters will be about Lucas and Madison. I will try to post them as soon as possible.

Till then,


Your Author, Caramel <3

(All of u who read HTS would know I changed it to caramel, but if not u know now :p)

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