For my enjoyment

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'Why did your brother just leave the pack land?'

The question weasels it's way into my head.

I keep staring up at the ceiling, trying to form a response.

It still didn't feel real.

He left.

But it was real now wasn't it?

I hear three curses in unison.

'Why didn't you tell us, we could have stopped him-'

'get a search party-'

'No. Let him.'

The door opens and Ethan appears.

"Why would we do that?" He growls.

I pat the bed beside me and shrug.

"No other option. To late. You know he's strong enough to see you coming." I mumble.

I lay on my side, trying to ignore the tightness in my chest.

It felt like a slap to the face.

I could hear the boys internally debating about what to do.

They could keep him captive but that would only stall, not prevent.

"Stalling allows for planning." Ethan growls. He was upset at my acceptance.

'We can send a team after him. He doesn't have a car-'

"Stop." I order. I sit up and meet Ethan's gaze evenly.

"I'm not putting my brother in a cell so we have a few extra days to plan. Drakes coming. Cas chose his side. We can plan now."

I was barely keeping it together right now. I didn't have the energy to make sure my brother wasn't locked up by my boyfriends.

Goddess what had my life come to?

I pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes.

Don't cry.

"You okay?" Ethan asks awkwardly.

He was obviously uncomfortable with the emotion in my eyes.

"No." I didn't have the energy to lie.

I look into Ethan's grey eyes, trying to find some comfort.

I know I made the right choice.

I would die beside them. I could see it now, our end, or at least my own.

That was good, that was enough to ask for after all.

I had gotten way more than I desecrated anyway.

I would enjoy my last few days. No more training, which I know would get some fuss, but we stood no chance now.

Cas had all our secrets. All our surprises. And he was ready to hand them al over.

"I love you." I say, looking up at Ethan.

He frowns.

"Let's get ice cream." I say after a moment.

"Or build a blanket fort." I add when he doesn't move.

His frown doesn't budge.

"Another type of dessert?" I suggest, with a smirk.

"Stop." Ethan complains.

"Don't give up." He pleads softly. He brushes his finger under my eye, catching the fear that slipped past my defenses.

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