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Damon's point of view:

I was breaking.

Every part of my body hurt.

I felt so human, so vulnerable to attack.

Ever since I forced Lilly away my wolf shunned me.

I could feel him but I couldn't hear him.

He was either so angry he was trying to take my strength away, or he was also weak from being separated.

I grunt, throwing another weak punch at the heavy bag.

My hand aches as it connects. I feel my lungs burn, and I wonder if I'm dying as I throw another hit.

"Oh my goddess stop you look so exhausted." I jump, spinning around.

Without my hearing I hadn't heard her coming.

"Rylie." I say in greeting. I walk over to her and peer into her outstretched hand.

I take the water bottle suspiciously, knowing she hadn't come all the way here to make sure I was hydrated.

"Why are you such an idiot Damon?"

"Wow, and here I was thinking we'd gotten closer over the years." I say, and I don't miss Rylie's eye roll.

"She's your mate. No matter what you think."

It wasn't about what I thought.

It was about what I was.

I was a werewolf. She was a fragile human who didn't deserve to be stuck with something like me.

It was different for Raiden. Our parents dying hadn't turned him into a rage filled monster.

"Why are you doing this?" She sighs exasperatedly, probably reading the determination on my face.

"Stop don't walk away from me Damon!"

Rylie grabs my arm and turns me toward her.

It sucked being over powered by your fifteen year old sister.

I growl, throwing her hand off. She stumbles back, throwing a kick in my direction.

I could sense her wolf, and I know like me, she'd lost control of her temper. This was a trait that ran in the family.

I grunt as her foot connects and I feel like my ribs break. I know they don't, but my chest still burns.

I plant my feet though, so other than the pain that envelopes my body, nothing happens.

I remain on my feet, throwing a punch which she dodges.

I grunt as suddenly the floor falls out from under me.

I feel the breath leaves my lungs.

Rylie is above me, her knee pressed to my throat.

"Tell me why you won't go to her." She demands. I grunt when her knee presses more firmly into my neck.

"Why?" She repeats.

I finally give up, my head falling back onto the mat.

I shake my head and fight of the waves of emotion.

"I don't want to be like dad." I don't have to specify.

She knows exactly which dad I'm speaking of.

"You're nothing like-" I cut her off.

"I am. Aren't we both?" Her jaw clenches.

"You know I'm right. I loved him too Rylie, but he had no control. How many times did he hurt mom?"

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