Dream Come True

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Sweat coats my body, and my fingers grip the sheets.

I bite the insides of my cheeks so hard I taste blood.

I try desperately to let the scream die in my throat and when it does, I exhale through my nose.

I glance at the sleeping boy beside me.

His eyes were closed as he remains oblivious to my night terror.

When my body is in control I unlock my mussels and remove the hand that was covering my mouth.

I allow a small breath past my lips, but immediately clamp my mouth shut.

When my brother stirs I gently pat his head.

I squeeze my eyes shut and immediately regret it as my nightmare comes hurdling back.

I pant, opening my eyes.

My brother mumbles for help in his sleep as I remove myself from my bed.

He must have had a nightmare too.

That explains why he's asleep in my bed.

I look out my window, wrapping my arms around myself as if they could keep the nightmares out.

I had already seen the vision though, and it haunted me.

It terrorized me. And like a moth to a flame I try desperately to remember each detail.

It was misty outside, the trees blowing slightly in the breeze. The sun just about to become visible.

I adjust the blinds and peer across the lawn.

The light layer of fog made it hard to see but I could just faintly make out the light in my neighbors window.

I had a feeling the light there would go out, and my poor neighbor, Mr Darson would disappear.

I allow another deep breath past my lips.

"Lele?" My body jerks slightly before the voice registers.

I turn toward my brother and force a smile.

"Mr Darson?" He asks quietly, pushing up in bed.

I smile and pat his head. "Go back to bed." He sends me a frown.

I stare into his brownish gold eyes that were identical to mine. It was hard to lie when he held far to much wisdom for his age.

I pinch his cheek, knowing he hated that. He grins and aims a hit at my stomach.

I give him an exaggerated groan and he laughs.

The appearance of his dimples lightens the atmosphere.

"Lay down. Mr Darson is fine." I scold when he glances to the window yet again.

He knew I was lying, but he also knew neither of us could do anything.

A crease forms between his dark brows.

I ruffle his brownish black hair as I sit beside him.

"For a seven year old you sure do enjoy worrying, huh?" I tease. He shrugs.

"If I don't who will?" He mumbles absently, chewing at a nail that was nearly gone.

I decide to call it on sleep. I stand up and pull my hair back into a ponytail.

My brother watches from the bed, staring into my mirror.

We looked very similar. We were both far to skinny since we were so poor, but unlike him my hips seemed to hold all my weight so they were far to wide for my liking.

Their FlowerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora